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today was monday, which meant another day back at school. michael had woken up fairly early today so he could get to school a bit earlier so that he could talk to calum. he loved talking to calum, calum would actually listen to him unlike other people.

michael decided that he would drive calum to school since he knew that calum didn't have his license yet and michael did. michael looked both ways before crossing the street and heading to calum's front door. he knocked on the door only to be greeted but who michael thought was calum's mother.

"hello. who are you?" the woman asked.

"i'm michael. one of calum's friends. i was gonna drive him to school today." he responded.

"well i'm joy, calum's mother and calum already left for school."

"oh ok, well bye then." michael said and joy waved goodbye.

michael turned around and headed out the door. he again looked both ways before sprinting across the street to his house. michael walked over to his car and slid into the front seat and slammed the door shut and then he drove to school.


when michael got to school, he could parked his car and got out. once he had all of his things he started to walking into the large school building. as soon as michael stepped inside the building he could hear people yelling and screaming. he looked around and saw a semi large crowd with about fifteen people surrounding four people.

michael was just about to ignore it but then he heard a familiar voice scream in the distance. he instantly recognized the voice as calum. michael didn't know what exactly was happening so he quickly jumped to the worst possible conclusion.

michael was worried about his friend so as soon as he heard the scream he instantly ran into the crowd of people, pushing his way to the front. once he finally made it to the front, he looked at the four people that were in the center of the circle.

the people in the circle were calum, and three members of the football team, brandon, jason, and brad. brad and jason were holding calum by his arms and brandon was throwing punches, hitting calum right in the gut. calum had a visible bruise right on the side of his face and his eyes were watering.

michael marched up to brandon and shoved him away. michael managed to push him hard enough so that he fell. brandon scoffed and stood back up. he walked over to michael and pushed him into one of the lockers. michael groaned and swung a punch right into brandon's lower stomach.

brandon stumbled on the floor and michael looked behind him. jason and brad were taking turns shoving calum into the lockers and swinging at his face. calum groaned out in pain and michael could hear some snickering in the distance. he was disgusted, how could people laugh at someone getting bullied and do nothing about it. most of the teachers at the school are too dumb to even notice what's going on around them so of course they have no idea what's going on.

michael was snapped out of his thoughts by a punch being thrown on the side of his face. almost instantly after brandon had thrown that punch, was he on the floor. he was being pinned down by michael, who was repeatedly hitting him in the gut.

michael was hitting brandon pretty hard so when michael decided he was finished with him, brandon lay on the floor quietly being too weak to move or fight back. since brandon was out michael went over to the other two people but when michael turned around the other two people were grabbing brandon and running in the other direction.

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