15. Flashback (1)

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"You're WHAT? WHEN?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Skylar. But my dad got a better job offer in Wisconsin and we're moving next weekend." Gabriel says, grabbing my hand. I yank it away and run it through my hair in frustration.

"So that's it. You're leaving and we're done?" I ask, tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm sorry Skylar. I still love you and I'll always remember you." He says apologetically, hugging me. I pull away and run. I didn't want to see him.

"I'm just glad I wasn't in love with you!" I cry to him without looking back, afraid of what could happen.


I sit solemnly on the curb of who knows where. I think I'm near some college. All I know is that I can't be too far from home is because I walked.

"Yo kid, you look like you've seen a vampire, and not the hot one from Twilight." A voice says behind me. I turn around and see some darkish skin toned chick with straight red dyed hair and a red tube top with black booty shorts. They're over some black sparkly legging though, making it look less slutty. She has a nose, belly, and lip piercing. I also see a silver band with a small diamond on her ring finger. All in all, she's smoking hot and beautiful at the same time.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Name's Frida. What about you squirt?" She asks, sitting next to me.

"Skylar." I mumble, mind still set on the fact that Gabriel's moving.

"Well Skylar, ever had a shot?" She asks with a smirk.

"I'm 13." I say with a scoff. Drinking wasn't something my parents even did much throughout their life.

"It'll make you forget all about your problems." She reasons.

"You know you can get into trouble for offering me this." I tell her, not impressed so far. I didn't think drinking was horrible, but I was underage and not really planning on it today.

"Yeah, but you know you can have the time of your fucking life if you accept it." She counters, smiling. I must've been out of my god damn mind because I said-

"You know what? Sure. Let's go, but give me something light to start with."

I mean, she seemed nice and I'm usually a good judge of character.


"What the fuck is this?" I ask, pointing to the clear liquid with what looks to be...olives inside it?

"Relax tiny. It's a dry martini." She assures, gesturing for me to drink it.

"Frida, babe. Who's the kid?" A husky voice asks. I turn to see a tall, fair skinned guy plant one right on Frida's lips and nod to me.

"Her name's Skylar and she wanted to loosen up so I thought why not?" Frida answers.

"First time drinking?" He asks. I nod.

"I'm Tony. Frida's husband." He introduces, shaking my hand. Wow. She got married young. It was up to me to decide if it was admirable or stupid.

"Nice to meet you." I say, eyeing the drink still.  

"Go on and try it." They say in sync, giving each other googly eyes right after. I smile weakly before downing the drink. It tasted...interesting. I smile. This is actually kinda fun, even if the drink wasn't that great. I mean, it wasn't a Cherry Coke, but...it felt odd.

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