Trust issues

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Opening the door im met with Brad, who is looking his perky happy self he looks drained but none other than that without saying a word he walks in eyes on me lustfully and stinking of alcohol.

" I'm sor" but I cut him off before he could say another word

"No look im sorry I should of told you sooner I was stupid and deep down I knew it would annoy you" he just stared at me blankly.
" also I've cancelled my work so I can stay here with you " and that's when the smile grew on his lips the smile which melts my heart and one of my favourite features of him.

" I need to talk to you" Was all he said before walking upstairs and heading to our room leaving a slow smell behind him.

I followed him upstairs and he clothes the bedroom door and sat opposite me on the bed following my actions of crossing his legs infront of him. He looked nervous "wait where have you been I was worried sick about you" he just stared at me "Brad please tell me where you've been your being weird have you don't something"
Something I don't know what I mean by that but he's not himself he disappears for the night and dosent even let me know he's ok and now he's home acting weird stinking of alcohol

He slowly put my hands in him and looked at me blankly once again "I think I've fucked up" .....



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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