New life

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Kate's P.O.V

I cant deal with this i thought moving up here would be easy and would be just like being home but its not every where i turn there are pictures of me and brad and them my parents. I understand that our parents were good friends but its just hard i cant be bothered in explaining to Brad by what i ment by saying "Everyone was so happy back then" I guess i ment me being happy not cause of my parents but cause i never see Brad anymore hes my bestfriend and has been for so long its just hard getting used to his new lifestyle im sure its gets easier though.

Hes living his dream and that makes me more than happy but is still weird seeing him on telly and everyone on Twitter fangirling over him is that what you call it ? i dont know i havent personally ever fangirled over him. Hes a weird one everyone thinks hes so sweet and innocent he certainly isnt hes a child at heart an annoying one at that but i guess thats why i love him. Wait what i dont love Brad do i? a friend im sure.

After alot of thinking and trying to find something to drink ive now realised something.

Im not going to be happy if i dont allow change in my life, and maybe change is good new people new surrouding and the pictures i need to think of in a different way, like yes there are pictures everywhere of my parents but thats because they were loved by so many people and had so many friends. ITS TIME TO CHANGE...ONCE AND FOR ALL

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now