"Its to early go back to sleep babe"

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Woken up by the sound of Jesse's bark I slowly open my eyes with a lot of struggle I just bury my face into the pillow and start to drift off again when I hear the bedroom door slowly creek open I just ignore it presuming it is Jesse until I feel the other side of the bed move and have 2 arms around me.

I remove my face slowly from the pillow and turn to my side to see a very tired looking Brad who just smiles "Its to early go back to sleep babe" Brad whispers while pulling himself closer to me and with the silence takes over the room and we quickly fall asleep.

10am woken up as Jesse comes and jumps on me and Brad, I swear its only like 8am. Even though yesterday I spent most of the day sat down in a car doing nothing I was pretty tired.

Making my way down stairs while Brad goes back to sleep I'm greeted by Nat "Morning" she sings while passing me a cup of tea. She knows me to well. We sit on the sofa and begin to have a lazy day. Half way through the film Brad comes down and comes and sits under the blanket with me as he snuggles next to me clearly still half asleep.

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now