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After getting back from the River we are just all chilling out now I swear I've got sunstroke.

Brad's P.O.V

Todays been so nice just to chill out with the family and Kate in the sun.

"Brad Kate do you want dinner" Anne Marie shouts from the kitchen. "Urmm ye.." Brad cuts me off before I can finish "No me and Kate are going out for dinner. She shoots me the daggers cause she hates going out at night and she didn't agree to this but I couldn't help myself I want her too feel special and know that I'm here for her.

"Come on let's go " I say while grabbing her hand and pulling her upstairs so we can get changed " Put something comfy on not anything to dressed up". She agrees and begins to get ready.

Half hour later we are ready to go and I've booked a table so we have defiantly got one. Pops is dropping us off cause its got a little cold now.

Kate's P.O.V

Dinner was amazing we are now waiting for pudding the best part of the meal as well as the wine ofcourse I don't even like wine though but I drink it.

My phone starts to vibrate mentally on the table I check what it is and its twitter going mental because Anne Marie tweeted...

"@AnneMarieSimps Have a lovely meal little ones @Thevampsbrad @KatieLouise you both look fab *picture*". Trust Momma Simp to tweet a picture.

Brads also tweeted sneaky thing "@Thevampsbrad Cheeky dinner with @KatieLouise *picture*" with a picture of me and my wine laaaarvely .

We have now finished our meal and wine so I guess we have to go. "You ready babe?" Brad asks and we make our way out of the restaurant.

We both decided to walk home it wasn't far and we got to chat even though we have drank abit to much its been a long time since I've seen drunk Brad and it is the funniest thing ever.

There were fireworks going off in the park so we decided to sit on the bench there I got my phone out and took a. Picture and uploaded it to twitter

@KatieLouise Lovely night out for dinner with @Thevampsbrad a cold walk home but fireworks makes it better *picture*"

I was looking through my mentions and everyone was tweeting about me and Brad.

" Kate and Brad are the cutest"

"I'm so pleased Brads got such a nice girlfriend we met her today in the park and she's lovely"

" #Kradley "

"Who the hell is Kradley Brad" he just laughs and don't answer "Brad" I repeat. "Its our ship name the fans gave us".

Arww the fans have given us a ship name they are sweet I'm so pleased people like me.

We eventually got home and we have sobered up abit but Brad decides to get himself a beer and me a glass of wine. I go in the kitchen to see a note on the side saying " kid's gone out won't be back till late have a good night not too good though ;) xxx "

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now