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" Come on let's go to bed babe" brad says while pushing out his bottom lip.

"Its like 1 in the afternoon what's the point in laying in bed all day"

" I didn't mean lay in bed I wanted to do something a bit better than that" he says while kissing me continously, its not that I didn't want to cause I did but after loosing a lot of weight due to stress and grief I don't really feel comfortable in my own skin I feel to skinny even though I only lost about a stone but I was slim anyway. I don't even want to say to Brad cause he will just say that ' I look fine, pretty etc' the normal thing that he says.

"No I'm sorry Brad I don't want to"

"Come on I'm never home we've got to make the most of it"

"But right now I don't want to"

"Why not though you've never said no before" wow I didn't like the sound of his tone then it was rude and had a hint of cockiness.

I just ignore him and walk up to our room I still needed to unpack a few things, I sit on the bed and pull out one of my bags which had my make-up, deodrant, perfumes etc in and I start the place them on the side. But then Brad comes in and don't even say I word I now know I've annoyed him but I just don't think its all about sex and we have only just got together even though we've slept together before I feel like we shouldnt rush things else the relashionship will have nothing there to look forward too.

He's been sat here for 10 mins now not even saying a word just led in bed, I feel bad cause I know its cause he wants to spend time with me but he's so stubborn I know he will get his way else he will just sulk.

Brad's P.O.V

I know there's more to it, why she won't but she won't tell me. I need to get it out of her but just like me she's stubborn and hides things away since the accident I'm going to make it a mission to find out.

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now