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Kate's P.O.V 

So on the way home it started raining not just a little bit i mean raining raining thunder and lightening a full on storm i was drenched to make matters worse i slipped over and fell stright into some mud i am now covered in head to toe in mud im so annoyed and im freezing cold Jesse is just strolling along as if its boiling hot.

I finally arrive home and realise i have forgotten my keys GREAT I knock on the door to be greeted by Anne Marie who is laughing clearing looking at the state of me "oh my god what happened to you" she giggles.  

" lets just say i fell over" i finally get into the house and dit on the floor to pull my wellies off which are taking about an hour they are not coming off and im getting rather annoyed " get them off ill go run you a bath " Anne Marie says while making er way upstairs.I am freezing cold right now its not even funny to make it better Brad walks out of the living room into the corridoor to where i am sat.

"looks like you and Jess had fun" he sniggers while smirking 

"dont you even start Bradley"

"dont you even start calling me Bradley" he says whil leaning down and kissing me quickly on the lips and sitting on the floor beginning to pull my wellies of for me. "thanks Bradley" i smile which causes him to send me a look of annoyance but a smirk to with it cause he secretly loves it.

Im sorry this chapter has been terrible i havent got a clue what is happening with it. 

I just didnt want to keep you guys waiting to long for an upload. 

Let me know what you think might happen remember Kate has go to tell Brad about her going to America but who knows how long its for ;) 

K x

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now