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Shes just sat sorting all of her things out, not even talking to me i dont even know what to say to her. I understand that i should'nt of snapped like that but men have needs..haha i just called myself a man Tris will find that hilarious.

She is now sitting on the floor looking through a memory box which she has had for years i rememebr her starting it the year we met, she kept all sorts of things in there like wristbands,tickets for shows of ours shes been to, pictures pretty much everything that she can hang on to and smile at when shes down.

I get up of the bed and sit on the floor next to her " That was a good weekend" pointing to the picture she had in her hand of All of us boys her parents and my parents and her ofcourse we were all sat in my garden.

Everyone had come to our house for the weekend so both our parents could meet up this was before the band really kicked off so we were home alot more than we are now. We had a BBQ and a water fight it was wicked.

"yeah it was everyone was so happy back then" she says while pushing it to the bottom of the box and looking through the rest of her things.

"i know you miss them but dont upset yourself by looking through pictures babe"

"i didnt mean cause of them not  being here i ment tha.. oh dont worry actually" She said while throwing the rest of the things back into the yearly pockets in the box and making  her way down stairs.

Im so sorry for not uploading in ages my laptop isnt working still i cant get on the internet and doing it through my phone takes far to long and the pages are so small Very sorry!

K x

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now