1 weeeeeedddd

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Josh's pov

I stumble from the road onto the grass, falling onto my hands and knees with a clumsy thud. Looking down at the grass, I watched as it grew and rose and sunk back down.

"Same." I whispered to the grass as I started crawling across it.

Looking down at the grassy ground, completely mesmerised by it; my head bonked into something. I looked up to see a building.

"Get outta my way." I hissed as I flung my arm out ordering the rude building to move. The building refuse to move and stayed put.

"Ah wanna play it that way huh. That's fine with me. Five can play that game." I said as I held two fingers up threateningly.

I pushed myself up into a standing position. I wobbled a little and fell two steps back, but I quickly regained my balance, squaring up. I held my fists up at the building ready to get even when I noticed the window. A big wonderful window. An idea popped into my head.

I smushed my face against the glass feeling the smooth surface with my cheek, meanwhile my hands searched the window for a way to open it. Eventually I felt a little latch, I pulled it and slid the window up; my face still pressed against the glass.

I felt my saliva and cheek being pushed up with the glass as I opened up the window.

I flung my head back away from the window as I dove my hands through the opening. My hands hit something cold and it made a clatter noise.

Ah this building be playin games with me. I thought to myself as I fumbled around with the object blocking my way from climbing inside the window.

My hands found a way and pushed under the object. I then took my chance at defeating the building and grabbed the window frame, dragging the front part of my body through the window.
I ended up falling straight through it and came crashing onto the floor with a loud clatter.

Tyler's pov

My eyes flew open.

I heard the noise again.

Glancing across my room, I saw the blind of my window rustling. I shrunk my head back in my pillow as I froze, watching the window in confusion and shock.

The blinds moved and clattered as a hand shot through the bottom of them. I bolted upright in my bed watching as the hand flailed  from under the blind and eventually latched onto the window cill. Another hand appeared and the person on the other side of the window, clutched the window frame.

Pulling themselves through, they tumbled head first through my window, crashing onto my floor with a loud clatter as they ripped the blinds off as they fell.

By this point I was standing on my bed in my dark room, ready to take action. I had no idea what this persons intention was, but I doubt it was good; I mean, who breaks into someone's apartment in the middle if the night for a good reason?

I watched as the dark figure lied on my floor in a crumpled heap. For a few seconds, there was no noise, or movement coming from either of us.

"Ouch." The person said simply as they lay face down on the carpet of my room. I squinted my eyes as I tried to identify any features of the person; I can't see much as the light in my room is off and it's currently 1 in the morning.

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