26 Slay me

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Tyler's pov

"I mean who knows what he gets up to during the day." I spoke to alan, trying to get him intrigued in what I was saying. "Because I don't know, do you know?"

"No I don't know, but I suspect he's probably doing the same average things as everyone else." Alan replied in a bored tone.

"Hah, that is where you're wrong. Josh isn't like anyone else...he does..josh things." I squinted my eyes.

"Like?" Alan questioned.

"Like, like climbing buildings stuff." I replied getting flustered that alan wasn't getting into this with me.

I was just super curious to know what he does during the day. 'Mysterious josh stuff' he said. What does that mean? Does that mean illegal stuff that he can't tell me about? Does he have other friends that he hangs out with? ..Not that that would be a problem, it's not like I'd be jealous or anything.

He knows all this stuff about me, but how much do I know about him? Josh could be hiding anything. He's just that kind of guy that's full of surprises.

"He's just up to something." I continued on as I looked out into the car park, speaking in a far off tone.

"You always think he's up to something." Alan said as he played on his phone.

"He's not who we think he is." I whispered slightly and did shifty eyes.

"And who do we think he is? Because I just think he's a normal guy, but you ehhh not so much." Alan spoke as he closed his phone.

Ignoring Alan's negativity and lack of enthusiasm in the situation, I kept speaking.
"All I'm saying is we got to keep an eye on him. He's suspicious alan, so very suspicious."

"Soo..keeping an eye on someone, means following them around in a car and spying on them and their every move?" Alan questioned as he raised both his eyebrows at me.

I put my binoculars down and gave him a disapproving look.

"The way I see it is that you're just trying find some sort of excuse so you can spy on some guy you've got a crush on."

My light but slightly psychotic laughter filled the car.
"Oh alan, spy is a strong word, I prefer the term observe, or investigate. We are police men after all, not creeps." I informed him.
"Also, I do not have a crush on josh, as I have said before." I said quickly but in a real matter-of-fact tone, which seems to always be the tone I have to use with alan.

"Well then why don't you just ask the guy what he does during the day instead of dragging me along on some spy investigation shit." Alan mumbled as he rested his head on his fist.

"Because my dear alan, I have already asked him and he didn't answer me properly. See, Suspiciousness. Also reason two, he failed to mention that he has been living in the apartment next to me this whole time, so what else is he hiding? What information is he withholding from us."
I nodded along at alan hoping he'd get on board with me.

"Well you failed to mention to me that he's been living next door to you. What the hell?" Alan question as he suddenly seemed interested in what I was saying.

That's when I saw movement.

"Like, when did you find this out? No wonder you've been acting all strange. I'm surprised you haven't killed eachother yet." He carried on.

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