7 Chick Fight

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Alan's pov

I've been working all day with tyler, he's been trying to explain to me about this guy. Obviously I was still totally confused but I went along with what he was saying.

On our lunch break he wouldn't shut up about his 'hate' for this guy, he kept repeating the same things over and over again like he was trying to convince me and himself of his hate.

"And he smokes wEeD!" He would say.

"Tyler, everyone smokes weed." I'd reply.

"Hah no they don't. Weed is illegal, I don't smoke it." He told me.

I just laughed. I smoke week, in fact I'm pretty sure most of the guys on our police department do, hell even chief Way does. But I wasn't about to tell poor little innocent Tyler that, he'd probably have a heart attack.

As far as I was concerned, which was pretty concerned being Tyler's good friend and all, this guy didn't seem to be any danger or anything. He just seemed to be some average freak who wanted to mess with a police officer for the fun of it. To be honest I'd do that too, and tyler is the little guy in the police force, so he'd be the most funnest to mess with.

"Ty, that's just what some people do, they muck around with officers for the fun of it and then they have good stories to go and tell their rebellious buddies." I told him with a shrug.

But he wasn't having any of it, he carried on and on about how silly that was.

It's cute how much of a goodie-goodie he is. His parents clearly raised him to be a very well matured guy, almost 'perfect' even.

The perfect guy who gets a good secure job and his goal is to find a nice partner, get married, buy a house and have children.

Those kinds of people make me sick, how could anyone stand to live like that, it sounds so boring. Tyler is cool though, I know deep down he isn't this 'perfect' grown up that he's always trying to be for his parents sake, he has that crazy childlike side of him.

It really bums me out when parents try to raise their child in a strict way so that their child becomes a collage graduate and makes them proud and bla bla bla. Like, let a kid be a kid, let it make mistakes and live the life he wants to live.

Currently it's 8:00pm and me and tyler are sitting in the pizza shop shoving our faces full of cheese pizza after a long day working.
Tyler was struggling to get a mouthful in as the cheese was all melted and stringy.

God how I love pizza. I brushed my fringe out of my face and started devouring my pizza. Me and tyler sat in silence as we ate, until the sound of my phone ringing broke that silence.
I quickly swallowed my mouthful and picked it up. It was Chief Way.

"Sup chief?" I spoke casually into the phone, leaning back lazily on the red fake leather seat of the booth.

"We've been alerted of a break in at 'Slushie-mart'. Me and Urie are on our way over, you and Tyler need to come quick. We may need backup." He spoke in a serious tone.

I could hear the police siren on in the background meaning shit was about to go down.

"Hang on, are you driving whilst using your phone?" I judged teasingly.

"Now is not the time Alan, just get your ass over here now." He ordered.

"Naughty naughty." I tutted just before he hung up on me.

I stood up and shoved my phone in my back pocket and took a sip of my coke before abandoning it on the table.

"Come on Ty." I said, gesturing for him to get up with my head as I jangled the keys in my hand.

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