29 Surprise motherfricker

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Tyler's pov

My eyes fluttered open as I awoke. I could feel Josh's arm wrapped around my middle as he slept peacefully against my back. I smiled in a childish manner.

My eyes caught sight of my alarm clock.

I jolted into action. I flung the sheet off me and sprang off the bed and out of Josh's arms.

I ran around my room trying to get dressed.

"What the-tyler what are you doing?" Josh groggily asked as he sat up after pulling the blanket down from his face.

"I'm late for work." I told him in panic as I jumped around trying to pull my pants on.

"Oh." Is all he responded with.
He then flopped back down and nuzzled his head into the pillow.

I rushed off to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, ran a comb through my messy, thick and slightly curled hair, then bolted out of the bathroom to throw on my shoes.

As I was fumbling around josh pulled on his pants and handed me my belt and taser.
"Thanks." I mumbled as I sprayed myself down with deodorant.

"Do I look okay?" I asked him, hoping I didn't look like a dead zombie who had just woken up.

"You look as handsome as ever." Josh smiled.

"I doubt that." I said as I bent over to slip on my shoe.
"Ow!" I yelped

"What's wrong?" Josh asked quickly and sounding concerned.

"My butt." I cried. "I think you broke my butt."

"Damn right I did." He snickered as he slapped my booty.

I stood up properly and gave him an eye roll but I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Okay I'm going to be late for work, I really gotta go." I told him.

"Okay have a good day. Stay safe." He said as he opened up his arms.

I hugged him and stood on my toes to place a kiss on his lips.
"I will."

With that I had to rush out of my apartment, though there is no point rushing anyway because I'm already probably on chief Ways kill list.

I was right, I most certainly was on his kill list. Let's just say he was not happy when I showed up at work this morning. After going on a rant about how he expects better of me and how it effects his way of working when everyone isn't on time and all that, he ordered me and alan to head off straight to business.

I was relieved to finally leave the office and get back in my car.

So here me and alan sat, heading off to the spot we were told to go where we'd spend our time keeping watch over every vehicles speed limits and handing out speeding tickets.

"Hah chief way was so pissed at you." Alan scoffed in amusement beside me.

I groaned and readjusted my gip on the steering wheel.
"I was only a little bit late, I don't get it, you come to work late literally everyday and I'm late like, what, once? And he has a tantrum." I frowned.

"That's because I set low expectations of myself so no one has high expectations of me. Whereas you come to work early and so when you get to work late it's a big deal." Alan shrugged.

"Yeah I S'pose." I sighed.

"Should I even bother asking why you were late?" Alan questioned both me and himself.

"Uhhhh.." I felt my cheeks going a deep red. "No."

"Wait..wait what was that look?" He asked, his eyes searched me as he turned to face me and started tapping on his chair.

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