16 Let me screech at you

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Tyler's pov

"Can you feeeelll the love toniggghhtt!"
Josh sung loudly and horribly off key.

He was currently in the shower. They gave the passengers dinner on the plane ride over here so all of us decided that we'd all head off to bed to get rested so we'd be all energised for tomorrow.

My phone buzzed against the sheets as it lay on my bed. I picked it up to see a message from brendon in a group text.
I picked up my phone and sat on the edge of my bed.

I opened it up and read it.

Brendon: Guys I got the girl downstairs to give me the wifi password! Here it is-

I quickly went about typing in the password into my phone and boom! I had internet!

Another message flashed on my screen.

Alan: what do we need internet for?we are in Fiji for christs sake

He has a point. My phone buzzed again.

Jack: wifi is love, wifi is life

Brendon: yeah but I bet you still hooked up to it

Austin: he did

Alan: guilty

I let out a light giggled as I read over everyone's messages. More messages flashed up as everyone started playfully roasting alan in the group chat.

The bathroom door swung opened and I jumped slightly as it startled me. I kept looking down at my phone as I went about instagraming a few pics of my feet that I took at the airport.

I heard Josh's feet pad against the carpet as he made his way over to his bed. I heard a zip being undone and two seconds later a sock came flying at my face.

I picked it up out of my lap and shot a gaze at josh. He was rummaging around through his suit case and pulling all his clothes out and flinging them behind him. In no less than two seconds his clothes were practically covering the whole bedroom.

"There you are." He said to himself as he pulled his head out of his bag holding a tee shirt in his hand.

He held the tshirt up and nodded contently.
I just sat there with the look upon my face that I always gave him.
It was a mixture of displeasure, disapproval, slight anger, and complete and utter annoyance.

He hung the shirt over his shoulder as he came over to me and grabbed the sock out of my hand. Water dripped on me from his wet, soaking hair.

His towel hung loosely around his hips, serving no real purpose other than covering a small part of his body. Towels are meant to dry people off, and obviously this guy is not using the towels for it's intended purpose, because he was incredibly wet.

He looked like he was still standing under the shower water, or he may as well be.

"Don't you know how to dry yourself off?" I questioned with a bit of sass in my voice.

He looked down at his wet bare torso.
"Yeah, why?" He asked as he looked back up at me.

"Well you might want to use your drying abilities more often." I told him.

He ran a hand through his soaking curly locks, sending more slightly pink water dripping down his neck from his newly pink died hair.
I crinkled my nose.

"If you say so." He said as he reached his hand down to pull off his towel.

"AHH! No!" I screamed as I swung my head to the side and shielded my eyes.

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