25 Just two bois

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Tyler's pov

I stretched my leg out across the ground as I flung my arms up over my head and pressed my palms together.

"Feel the stretch." The lady in the tv spoke.

I am feeling the stretch...

I breathed in and dropped into the ground. I raised one arm and leg in the air.

If you couldn't tell already, I am attempting the yoga.

I kicked my leg back and posed as I pointed my foot up like a ballerina.

Such fitness.

Such grace.

As you know it's very important for a police officer, such as myself, to stay in shape. Now I may not be all about health, but I'm willing to improve. Just look at me go, I've got this yoga stuff down.

The lady on the tv got on her butt and split her legs as she held them up in a v shape.

I sat on my tooshie in front of the tv and attempted to split my legs like hers. I settle for just holding one leg up as I clutched at it with both of my hands, stretching and trying to pull it up. My knee would always bend slightly though, because I just I can't keep my leg straight.

I couldn't stick it in the air like she does. I ended up letting go of my leg accidentally and it dropped onto the floor.

Okay I can't do all the positions but I'm really good at this one called the Bālāsana.

I continued on trying to copy the actions of the female on the tv screen. Just as I was about to poke my butt in the air like some sort of pyramid, my phone buzzed.

I stood up as I went to check it. There was a text from Josh on the screen.

Josh: I was going to order some pizza. Want some?

Pffttt yess, duh. Who could say no to pizza?

"It's all about health and being at one with your body." The yoga lady on the tv spoke.

"Shut up Pam!" I snapped.

Me: yes plsss!

I replied.

Josh: cool. Come over whenever you're ready the doors unlocked.

Me: Kay

I looked down at the purple exercise pants I was wearing.
I think I better go change.
I sniffed under my arm.
..and take a shower.

After a quick shower I smelt decent and was sporting some soft grey shorts and an oversized average tshirt. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror.
Do I look too boring? Too plain? Maybe I need to look a little nicer, after all I'm kind of being invited over for dinner.
But it's just pizza, and you're only going next door.
True but what if josh is wearing cool clothes and I'll look like a lazy person.
No stop you're over thinking this, it's just clothes.
Yeah you're right.

I sighed and headed over to the front door, I twisted the knob and as soon as the door clicked open I quickly turned away and raced back into my apartment and put on a better outfit.

I slipped on my usual black jeans and a nice white tshirt.
No you can't wear white if you're eating pizza!
I sighed, I was right. I switched my shirt for a black one.
Great now you're wearing too much black.
Shut up brain oh my God.

"Just breathe, in and out. That's it." Yoga lady Pam instructed from out in the living room on the tv screen.

I pressed my lips together. I walked out to the living room, turned the tv off, grabbed my phone, and forced myself to finally walk out of the front door. I walked literally two steps to get to Josh's apartment. I tapped lightly on the door with one knuckle.
I know he'd probably be okay with me just walking in, but I prefer to knock, things are safer that way.

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