8 Tv show life

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Tyler's pov

Here I am. Strolling along the path through the park, sun shining down on me and my trusty fanny-pack. Today was going to be a good day.

I smiled at a little girl who walked past me with the little dog that she was walking. I kind of felt like I was on one of those ads, you know the ones where the guy is walking all happily through the park after taking his back pain relief medicine and everyone around him is happy. There we go, I'm on a back relief medication commercial.

Imagine if our whole life was actually played out on tv for the people bigger than us in another dimension. And the people that we watch on tv, all those tv shows and ads, are actually happening in real life and they're being filmed and they just don't know it.

Okay weird thought. Better stop before I end up in some deep daydream and I forget to exist in the real world for a few hours.

So anyway, I'm not on some weird commercial, I'm just on my way to the store to get groceries for next week. My typical weekend routine. On this particular Saturday though, I was feeling quite cheery, at least I was trying to be.

The weekends the only time I don't work, and I'm going to start it off right. This week has been an absolute mess, especially last night. This morning I woke up alone and in silence, which I haven't done for the past two days ever since josh fell into my peaceful life.

So I want a nice clean week, and for things to fall back into their normal routine. No more josh, no more midnight fiasco, no more fights, no more random guys breaking into my house and invading my personal space.

Oop shoelace is undone.

I quickly bent down to tie it up.
"Through the loop and there we go." I muttered to myself as I tied a bow with my laces.

And slap...Someone's hand collided with my butt cheek.

"Oh my word!" I shouted as I jumped at the slight stinging sensation on the left side of my booty.

I shot up from my bent over position and heard the laughter, I knew exactly who it was just by that familiar laughing-at-his-own-humour laugh.

This is the part where the game show host steps in to introduce the new person on the television.

[insert incredibly bubbly and enthusiastic game show host mans voice here]
Here he is! in all his glory!
He'll break into your home,
answer your phone calls
and eat your cereal!
He's the one and only,
Mr. Unwanted,

Audience boos. Crickets can be heard as the camera zooms in on my unimpressed facial expression.

While he was laughing I took my chance, I quickly started walking away off down the path.

"Hey wait up little guy." He said as he jogged after me.

I ignored him and kept walking, hoping he'd lose interest and go annoy someone else.

"In a bit of a hurry aren't we." He commented as he caught up to me with ease. "Hey is that a fanny pack?" He asked as he pointed.

"Yes it is. Got a problem with it?" I said with a bit of attitude.

"No no of course not, it's just, isn't that what old people wear? To keep their hankies and hand sanitiser in and stuff." He chuckle.

"Stop making fun of my fanny pack. It's a very useful thing to have and I think everyone should have one." I said as I patted it.

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