3 Bath Bomb Sentences

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(I have no idea how this police department stuff works. So I'm just making shit up as I go along. Enjoy!)

Tyler's pov

I slammed my palms down on the window frame letting my towel fall down again; at this point I didn't care about my nakedness.
I just let my criminal escape!

My hand flung up as I face palmed my forehead.
I purposely stumbled backwards and allowed my body to fall back onto my bed; My bare ass and back hitting my galaxy bed sheets with a flop.

I smushed my glabella in between my index finger and thumb as I accidentally made a noise that was crossed in between a chihuahua bark and a sigh.
I was shocked that that noise came out of me. What the heck.

Another noise that I heard that shocked me was my phone alarm.
The alarm that signified that I had to head off to work. The alarm that I was totally not ready for.

I leapt up off my bed, feeling the air on my nudie buns, as I began frantically putting on my police uniform.

After I was all dressed a gave a quick look at myself in the mirror.
Lookin gooooddd.
I clicked my fingers and rushed off to grab my special police belt and my keys.

In no time i was out the door of my apartment and in the car park.

Ah there she is.
My baby.

There she sat quietly, my beautiful police car in my designated parking space.

I was one of the many few in our police department that got to have their own police car.
I guess that just because I'm one of the best in the bizz, well, if we ignore incident regarding the runaway criminal this morning.

I unlocked my baby and jumped in.
I started her up and went about heading off to work. The main thing I love about driving a police car around, is that it attracts all the honeys. Guys and chicks totally dig a guy in uniform driving a cool cop car around.

A few moments later I was walking through the doors of the police station.

"Morning whore." I was greeted with the voice of non other than officer Urie as I walked into the office area.

He was leaning back on a computer chair and looking over at me with a goofy grin as he fiddled around with a pen.

"I'm not a-a whore." I replied as I closed the door behind me and walked further into the room.

"Oh yeah yeah sure sure." He said as he winked. "Well Mr.always-on-time, you're late today. So technically it's obvious you got laid last night because why else would you be late? so whats the deal, couldn't get him to leave after your one night stand? Or you went for a little round of early morning sex?" He laughed a he swivelled a little in his chair and stuck the end of the pen in between his teeth as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Nooooo." I said feeling a little blush of embarrassment rise up to my cheeks.
"I just slept in a little that is all."

"Whatever you say Joseph." He said with a giggle as he swung his chair back around to face the desk.

I walked to the opposite side of the room and took a see in a chair in front of a computer.

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