24 Dun in the morning sun

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Josh's pov

It's barely even light outside but I can hear all the birds waking up, beautiful, it's time to start my day.

I moved about my apartment silently as I got dressed for the day. I pulled on some faded skinny black jeans up and over my thighs and did them up at the front. I then threw on a simple white Tshirt and sprayed myself down with some deodorant.

With a quick run of my hand through my hair to untangle it slightly and slick it over to the side so it looked somewhat neat, I felt ready to head out. I slipped on my all black converse with the black laces, and grabbed my skateboard that was leaning up against my wall.

I went over to my window and unlatched it as I lifted it up. The cold, crisp, but yet refreshing air hit me as it fell in through my window against my skin.
My arms got goose bumps and I decided that I might be best to put on a hoodie or something, which is exactly what I did, I slid it on over my arms and zipped it up halfway.

Dumping my skateboard out of the window, I climbed myself out after it. Yes I know I have a door, but it's a whole bunch of effort to lock it up and so forth. Besides, when you walk out of a door it signifies that you're going out of the house with a purpose, whereas when you're crawling out of a window it means you're going on an adventure.
Also it's just quicker..

My shoes landed on the mildewy grass beneath me. I wonder if it rained last night.
I picked my skateboard up and walked off the grass onto the road and threw my skateboard down and proceeded to ride it down the street.
The morning light of the sun lit up the street slightly as the earth began to wake up. I breathed the cold air into my lungs as it hit my face as I skated freely down the middle of the road at a casually fast pace.

Even though the air was ice cold from the night, the streams of light that the sun brought as it lay low in it's morning position, were warm and comforting.

I reached the curb and I easily kicked the board up so it jumped up over it and I breezily continued skating myself down the sidewalk.

I eventually got to the bus stop. I got off my board and stomped on the tail of it so it flicked up into my hand. It was a lot warmer were I was standing so I unzipped my hoodie and stretched.
I decided to lean myself against the pole that was near me and rest my board against my legs as I whipped out my phone.

It was only 5:24am, the bus should be here in a bit, but I still have a bit of time.
I scrolled through my notifications on my phone as I hadn't checked them this morning.
I didn't have any messages, just a rematch request from tyler for a game called words with friends from yesterday.

I heard a jingling noise and I looks up from my phone to see a man walking a little dog, I watched as it trotted along excitedly in front of it's owner who walked along with his coats collar turned up and a plain expression on his face.
They both stopped as the man pulled out a cigarette and struggled a bit to get his lighter to flicker a decent flame.
His dog toddled around in front of him as he kept it restrained on the leash, the pup saw me watching it and he wiggled his tail in which I returned with a bright smile.
Seeing as the man was occupied I took the opportunity to go and give his little dog a friendly greeting.

The man didn't seem to mind as I crouched down and started patting his dog, he just stood there smoking away.

The dog jumped around, nuzzling his head into my hand and closing his eyes as I tickled him under the chin.

I glanced up at the man for a brief second and caught sight of his wallet, it was hanging loosely in one of the pockets on the inside of his coat.
A little amused smile twisted in the corned of my lips as I continued to rub and pat the dog.

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