10 Waterloo

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Waterloo means
› to be defeated by someone who is too strong for you or by a problem that is too difficult for you.

Tyler's pov

Alan stood back to give me a look over.

"You look good, now just wipe that frown off your face and you'll look even better." He told me sassily.

"Are you sure you can't come?" I whined.

"Tyler I'm sorry dude but you know I can't. I got a date with the hottest guy in town, I'm not ditching that so I can go and hang out with your parents. No offence, but you know how much they don't really like me because of how much I smoke." Alan explained to me for what felt like the fiftieth time this afternoon. 

"Okayyyyy." I groaned.
"Go have fun on your date while I'm forced to bring some creep to my parents wedding anniversary. God I don't even know this guy! Who knows what he's capable of."

"He seems pretty harmless to me, and just think of it this way, the universe has randomly crossed your paths together for a reason." Alan said sounding like some fortune teller.

"What?" I gave alan a weird look.

"I don't know, just some random quote I read on facebook." He shrugged.
"Anyway I'm sure it'll be fine, just go and have a nice time and maybe try and get to know the guy a little. There's no harm in that." Alan said as he smoothed out my shirt.

"No harm? Dude! The guy tasered me." I spat out.

"You started it." Alan pointed out.

I made a hmph noise and couldn't think of a reply.

"And you said he was good around your parents the other day so there should be no problems." He added.

"Ah but this is just some sick mind game, I know it. He's got some trick up his sleeve and he's going to deceive us all!" I warned.

"I'm pretty certain you're overreacting. Just take a chill pill." Alan told me.

At that moment there was a knock on the door.

"Well it looks like he's here so I'll head off." Alan said as he picked up his wallet and keys off the table. "Just relax and I'll catch you later okay?"

"No don't leave me here with him." I begged in a desperate whisper.

Alan just snickered and shook his head as he walked out of my room. I heard my front door open and alan and josh greeted eachother as alan left and josh came in.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom to fix up my hair.
Josh appeared at the bathroom door. I saw him behind me in the reflection of the mirror.

He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and black button up shirt with floral patterns on it. I hate to admit this, but he actually looked really nice.

"So you ready to party?" He asked as he slung his arm above his head and leant it against the door frame.

"No, not really." I answered as I ran my gelled fingers through my hair, spiking and sliding it back.

"Come on it'll be a fun time." He smiled.

"Yeah for you probably, but you're not smuggling some criminal into your parents anniversary party." I pointed out.

Josh let out a little laugh. "Hey I'm not some criminal."

A gave him a look through the reflection of the mirror that said 'really bitch'.

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