17 Oh no its sleeping like an angel

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I have compiles together some random pictures that will give you a general kind of idea or vision of where our characters are.
*deep throats a banana*
Okay let's do this

Tyler's pov

I crinkled up my nose and twitched it, lazily bringing my arm up and rubbed it as my eyes gently fluttered open.

I looked up at the ceiling, my heart suddenly having an attack as I realised this wasn't my room, but it very quickly occurred to me where I was. Then I remembered who I was with...

I swiftly looked over to see that josh was still sound asleep. I laid my head back on the pillow, very thankful that I was awake before him.
I reached out and grabbed my phone off of the night stand beside my bed.

Turning on the lock screen it told me that it was only 7 in the morning. If only I was able to sleep in, I'm so used to getting up early because of my job, but no one really wants to sleep in and waist the day away when they're in Fiji.

I let out a gentle sigh as I put my phone back and rested comfortably in the soft bed.
Golden streams of light dance across the walls of the room through the near transparent curtains that hung over the door to the balcony of the room.

I pushed my blanket off me and sat up, bringing my knees up to my chest as I hugged them. I heard josh snore softly for a second which made me look over at him.

Without thinking, I allowed myself to look and admire Josh's features as he sleep peacefully.

My eyes drifted along his pink filled lips, they were parted slightly as his shallow breathing flowed out of them against the fluffy pillow that his cheek was mushed against comfortably.

His cheek that was visible was tinted in a slight pink, making him look warm and cosy in his sleep. I took note of how long his eyelashes looked when his eyes were closed.

He just looks so..innocent when he's sleeping, peaceful and quiet. Not what I normally get to see when he's awake.

I ran my thumb over my bottom lip as I still kept my sight in josh. I realise I had a small smile on my face and I almost screamed.

It suddenly occurred to me what I was doing.

What am I doing!

My face twisted into one of disgust.

No I most certainly can not be smiling over him. No no no bad bad bad, tyler, bad!

I was watching josh in his sleep! And...and I was smiling!

This is so wrong, so wrong!

I need to fix this.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. I twiddled my fingers together. I looked over at josh and decided what I should do.
There is only one thing I can do...

I picked up my pillow and crept over towards josh.
Standing above him, I held the pillow up in the air, getting ready.

He wouldn't be this sweet little sleeping angel for much longer...

I slammed the pillow straight down on his face. He jolted as he awoke. I drew the pillow back as he looked confused with wide eyes for a moment.

I took pleasure in repeatedly hitting him with the pillow.

"Hey what the heck!" He said as he covered his face with his arms and crunched himself in a ball to shield himself from the pillow.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." I said as I kept hitting him over and over.

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