22 Pfft nooOOoo

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Tyler's pov

I woke up and stretched my arms out above my head. I rolled over to see josh asleep in a bundle on the floor, when I say bundle I mean he was more sprawled out on the floor on his back with blankets and couch cushions over him.

"Cheese king." He mumbled in his sleep.

I raised my eyebrows at him and gave a little snort of laughter.

"The cheese king is actually a giant rat." I whispered down to him hoping to influence his dream in a weird way.

He twitched slightly and pressed his lips together.

"No that chairs illegal." He mumbled.

That must be some weird dream he's having.

I lied back down against the sofa, this is where I slept last night.
Me and josh both got over the awkwardness of the grown men 'sleepover' by playing some more temple run, we both fell asleep soon after that as we were still a little tiered and jet lagged from the flight. Obviously josh just crashed on the floor.

I looked up at the clock on his wall, it told me that it was 6:30am. I had work today. I lazily pushed myself to sit up. I looked down at josh as he breathed gently in his sleep.
I quietly got up off the sofa and stepped over him carefully making sure I didn't accidentally stand on any part of him.

I walked over to his little kitchen that was much like mine considering we lived in the same apartment block. I still don't know if I'm ever going to get over the fact that he has been living next door to me the whole time..or if I'll ever get over that I agreed to be friends with him.

It seemed like the reasonable thing to do. If you can't beat them, join them. I've tried beating josh, both literally and physically, It hasn't worked out obviously. So here I am, in his apartment going through his cupboards. That's something I never imagined myself to be doing.

If he's going to be all in my house and eating my cereal, then it's only fair I get to do the same to him.
I found a box of lucky charms and pulled it off the shelf. Sticking my hand into the box, I scooped up a handful of the cereal and began eating it. I turned and went to go over to sit back on the sofa when I saw josh was awake and looking up at me.

His sleepy look and big brown eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled upon seeing me. His faded dyed hair was all fluffed up and messed up from sleeping.

"So I see the tables have turned." He commented probably referring to me being the one eating cereal from the box in his apartment instead of the other way around.

I smiled at him cheekily with my cheeks stuffed with cereal.

"I guess that means I'm going to have to be the one to chain you up in the bathroom while I have a shower now." He said still looking at me.

My smile dropped.
With josh you can't tell if he's being serious or not, because something that would sound like a joke would be something I find that he would actually do.

"Don't worry I'm joking." He chuckled as he sat himself up.

Oh good thank god.
I chewed down the crunchy dry cereal and swallowed it.

Josh got up off the floor and walking into the kitchen.

"You heading off to work this morning?" He asked as he stood beside me, facing the counter as he went about grabbing out two mugs.

I nodded as my eyes drifted over his chest as I munched on the cereal, he wasn't wearing a shirt.
I tried to swallow my cereal but my throat had gone all dry and I found my breath getting stuck in my throat.
I forced myself to swallow the cereal and almost chocked on the amount of drool I had sitting in my mouth.

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