21 The other side of the wall

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Josh's pov

I was waiting for it.
I heard his footsteps.
Here he comes.

He walked straight into the room as I had left the door wide open for him.
I stood casually in my bedroom, unpacking my belongings on my bed.

He marched into my room. I glanced at him to acknowledging his presence and kept unpacking. He just stood there with his mouth gaping open completely bewildered on what to say.

"Wha-just-you-I-what." He started to say as sentences failed to form for him.

I tried to contain my giggle as I kept unpacking. This was so entertaining to me, I have been waiting for quite some time for him to figure out that I lived next door to him.

His mouth hung open as broken parts of words came out that just sounded more like noises.

"Youuuu...you live here?" He eventually managed to get an actual sentence out.

"Yep." I replied as I put my empty suitcase in my closet.

"So this is your actual apartment? Like, you live here?" He repeated.

"Yes." I answered as I gave him an amused look.

He grabbed his forehead and took a step back.

The little bean looked so confused.

"So you've lived here the whole time? Right next door to me..." He muttered more to himself as he clearly tried to wrap his head around this situation.

I continued shorting out my stuff before I final sat down my bed and looked up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said as threw his arms in the air.

"Well you didn't exactly ask me." I pointed out logically.

"So you just thought you'd fail to just mention the fact that 'hey we are next door neighbours'?" He questioned as he started tripping out.

"Surprise!" I said as I did jazz hands.

He started pacing back and forth in front of me as he seemed to be thinking.

"How?" He muttered as he paced.

"How what?" I asked.

"How did I not know? How was I completely oblivious to the fact that you have been living right next door to me this entire time!" He practically yelled at himself.

"Because you're always busy at work, leave early in the morning and coming home all worn out late in the afternoon. So it's not like we'd ever come across eachother in the hall." I said making sense.

"So I don't just see you in the hall or anything normal, but I see you falling through my bedroom window in the middle of the night?" He said with a raised eyebrow and a little laugh.

"But hey at least we met, I mean it wasn't under the most civilised circumstances, but we eventually met and that's a good thing right?" I said with a smile.

"Ehhhhhhhh." Was the only noise he made in reply with his teeth together and an awkward smile as he squinted his eyes.

I let out a breathy chuckle through my nose.

"That night still makes me laugh, you see that was the night I ran into brendon, when we went back to his places he wanted me to stay and play some drinking games with him. So I did. Then we smoked weed and eventually I told him I had to go home. Which as you could imagine was incredibly difficult in the state I was in." I told him but paused to laugh more as i continued my story.

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