12 Sorry Jenna, this is a Joshler

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Tyler's pov

"Everyone gather around, for dinner and cake!" Brenda called out cheerily to everyone.

Me and josh pulled away from eachother and pretty soon everyone who was here, were all sat down at the long white clothed tables. My mom had insisted and kind of set up for me to sit next to jenna, and on the other side of me sat josh, whereas my mom sat on the other side of jenna next to my dad.

The food was sliding down the throats as we all enjoyed the meals.
I was trying to converse with jenna, I had to try and fix whatever josh had told her. Our conversation was actually going really well and I felt pretty good that I have been able to talk to an attractive girl for this long without stuffing up or being awkward.

Josh, thankfully, was being quiet beside me as he made polite conversation with my brother who was sat beside him. I couldn't really be bothered to pay attention to the conversation they were having as I was too caught up with admiring how pretty jenna was.

Maybe I'd end up getting her number or something...

As slices of cake where past around, people took turns at standing up and giving little speeches to congratulate my parents on their strong marriage and so forth.
My dad also got up and expressed his love for my mom which sent everyone into happy tears. Everyone clapped as he went and sat back down and kissed my mom.

I obviously shielded my eyes from their saliva sharing activities. I don't care how old I am, seeing my parents kiss is gross.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back I promise." Josh informed me in a whisper.

As he shifted to get up he accidentally knocked his wine glass over which sent the liquid onto the front of my pants.

I winced as the uncomfortable wetness seeped through my jeans and to my crotch.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry." Josh gasped as he quickly sat back down and grabbed his napkin.

I leaned over and picked up his glass that had fallen on the grass and placed it back on the table.
"Don't cause a scene." I whispered harshly.

As soon as I sat up properly, Josh immediately went to dry up my soaking pants.

"I'm so sorry." He muttered as he rubbed the napkin against my pants. "I'll get you cleaned up."

"D-don't touch that area." I fumbled weakly as I leant back in my chair and used both my hand to push his hand off me.

He quickly removed his hand as he gave me a sheepish grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go to the bathroom." I said.

I went to stand up when jenna turned to me from talking with my mum and asked where I was going.

"I'm just off to the bathroom. Um, not that you needed to know that or anything..uh bye." and with that I swiftly moved my awkward self away from the table with josh following quickly behind me.

Desperate to get to somewhere where no one could see my wet crotch, I walked straight into the house and didn't bother asking where the bathroom even was.

"Wait I think it's this one." Josh said as I marched further down the hall

He pushed open a door and sure enough it was the bathroom, so I pushed him in there and closed the door behind us.

Once the door was closed I let out a little groan.

"It looks like I've peed my pants." I exclaimed in horror as I looked down at myself.

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