19 Two in the bed and the little one said

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Tyler's pov

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my legs out. I mumbled softly as I rolled over and snuggled into the warm body next to me.

So cosy.

Nuzzling my face into their back I draped my arm over them as well as my leg, clutching them to me.

All at once I flung myself back and almost fall backwards off the bed. "Ew!" I shouted.

I clutched at the blanket as the person began moving as they stirred awake. They pushed the blanket off from their face and peered out at me.

"Brendon!" I shrieked.

"Morning tyler." He yawned.
Then he paused as his face flashed with confusion.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bed oh my god get out! Why are we in the same bed!" I freaked the frick out.

Brendon's first instinct was to obviously check under the covers to see if he was dressed or not.

"Hah I'm completely naked." He said as he rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his hand.

"Oh my no no no ew ew ew!" I repeated as I threw the blanket at him and pillows to make sure he was completely covered up.

I looked down and was thankful I at least had my underwear on.

"Why are you in my bed?" I barked at him again.

"Actually, technically you are in his bed." Josh's voice piped up.

His head popped up from the end of the bed as he sat up on the floor.

"Please tell me you are dressed." I prayed.

"Yeah I've got jeans on." He replied.

I let out a deep breath of relief and looked about the room and realised I was in fact in Brendon's hotel room....only I couldn't remember why the hell I was here.

I rubbed my forehead as I realised the incredibly awkward situation I was in.

"Dude, did we fuck last night?" Brendon asked as he turned to me slightly laughing.

"WhAt! No! Of-of course not." I said not willing to believe otherwise.

"Well then why am I naked and in bed with you?" Brendon questioned me.

"If we did the do, then what would josh have been doing? Just sitting on the floor watching?" I argued Brendon's theory with a question.

"Threesome." Brendon said as if it was a fact.

"As if I would even-no, no I refuse to believe that." I said as I felt a sickness in my stomach at the thought.

"Well you were pretty drink last night tyler." Josh mentioned.

"Oh no. No no this is why I don't drink. I'm not like that, I don't drink and wake up not remembering who I've slept with!" I blabbered as I started getting frantic.

I heard josh snickering away to himself.
I shot him a glare of death.
How could he laugh at a time like this?

"What are you laughing about! This is no laughing matter!" I said madly.

"Chill tyler chill, it's okay I know what happened last night. We didn't have a threesome." He laughed as he lied back on the floor.

"Oh praise The Lord." I sighed as I grabbed my forehead.

"Yeah but he said we didn't have a threesome, so you and I still could've fucked." Brendon pointed out with an amused tone as he sat up in bed.

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