9 Tea party for the liars

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Tyler's pov

It had been an entire week since I told him to leave me alone; and leave me alone he did. I was back to my ordinary life and I haven't seen so much as a glimpse of that bright coloured hair freak.

But this didn't stop me from having that constant though in my mind, every time I went to bed or woke up or went out, I was always still expecting him to appear somewhere.

Not saying that I wanted him to appear or anything, pft.

He's there for four days, and the millionth time I ask him to leave, he actually does. Why that time? I repeated constantly for him to go.

Maybe my words finally got to him, or he just got bored of me and went to go be weird with someone else.

Although I can't help thinking that maybe I was a little bit harsh on him.

But it's stupid to think like that, I mean being worried about hurting his feelings? He's just some random guy who likes to cause trouble. He was just messing with me and now he's gone so I need to stop thinking about him.
Its been a week, why am I still thinking about him!

I continued on jogging through the park. I was working up a nice sweat.

Maybe he's near here, maybe he's just waiting a while until I think that he's gone for good and then he'll show up again. Mind games.

I'm just being stupid now, he probably hasn't even thought about me, he's probably off irritating other people.

Crazy guy, I don't need that kind of thing in my life, I'm a mature grown man with an important job. No more josh.

I jogged past someone.


But no, it was just some lady wearing a purple hat.

Gosh I really need to get him out of my mind.

He's not coming back, you're never going to see him again, and this is a good thing.

The music I was listening to stopped suddenly as my phone started ringing.
I stopped jogging and moved off of the path and stood near a tree so I could answer the call.

It was my mom.

I answered the call and her voice could be heard through my Bluetooth earphones.

"Y-ello." I said aloud.

"Um blue?" My mom answered back confused.

"No I was just saying hello, just, never mind." I laughed.

"Oh. Alright. Well I was just ringing because me and your father have come to visit you, but you don't seem to be home at the moment." She told me.

"Oh I'm not far from home, I was just out for a run. Stay there I'll be home in a minute." With that said I hung up my phone and went about quickly making my way back to my apartment.

When I got there, mom and dad were standing around at the door. I smiled at them and unlocked the door, letting them walk in before me.

The walked in and I gestured for them to sit down wherever they wanted.

"I'm just going to go and take a quick shower and get changed, ah help yourself to whatever." I blabbed awkwardly.

They nodded and I walked into my room to grab my clothes and have a shower.

You think it wouldn't to be so awkward having your parents in your apartment, but believe me it is. They're probably just here to check up on me and see what I'm doing with my life.

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