11 Tyler you're not Joshs mom

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Tyler's pov

I felt the car come to a slow stop as josh parked on the side of the road.
My breathing quickened. We're here.

We can't be here already, oh gosh I'm not mentally prepared for this.

"Well, are you ready?" Josh asked as he looked over at me.

I shook my head quickly. "No let's go back home, quick before they see us." I whispered as I tugged on his sleeve.

"Don't be a weirdo." He said as he put his hand on the car door handle.

"No wait stop, just stay in the car." I ordered.

He smiled and laughed a little breathy laugh as he opened the door and got out of the car.

He leant over the car and looked in. "Come on, we don't want to be the last ones to show up, now get out of the car." He spoke to me.

I tugged on my bottom lip.

Well, I suppose I better get this over with, I'm sure it won't be too bad.

I softly opened the car door and quietly got out.

"There we go." He said as I closed the door behind me.

He reached into the back of his car and grabbed out a nicely wrapped gift. Holding it under his arm he locked his car and met me at my side.

He looked down at me as I just stood there. I wasn't planning on moving. I just wanted to go back home and crawl into my bed and forget about josh. But no, I'm not going to be able to do that, considering josh has linked his arm in mine and is dragging me across the road and over towards the house.

We both walked up the drive way of the house, the celebration was being held at Brenda's and Jonathan's new house.
It was a really nice looking home, it had two storeys and was obviously newly built.

There were a lot of other cars parked around the street and the drive way, and a lot of happy chatter and laughter could be heard from the house as well as music.

I swallowed my nerves as we walked up to the front door. I knocked on the door and quickly looked around for any means of escape.

I don't even like social situations normally, let alone having to be at a social gathering and being stuck with someone I dislike greatly.

The door was opened a few seconds later by Brenda.

"Hello tylerrr oh look how hAndsome you arre! haven't seen you in a while! Come in come in!" She greeted loudly with her high pitch country accent as she opened the door and beckoned us in.

"Oh and you've browght a frehnd!" She exclaimed cheerily.

I'm still unsure to this day wether she just puts on the accent, or if she actually sounds like that, it's hard to tell because her sentences sound just so over dramatised.

"Oh yeah this is um josh." I introduced him.

"Nice to meet chew jowsh! I'm Brenda, everyone's favourite person. Kidding. But its so fAntastic to have ya here! Come on boys everyone's all in the back yarrd." She said as she smiled brightly at us and enthusiastically waved for us to follow her out into the yard.

She flicked her bright blonde hair over her shoulder as she nudged me and muttered into my ear.
"Better keep a close eye on urr friend or I might just eat him up, mm!" She joked as she laughed loudly.

She must've took note of my awkward facial expression. "Oh don't worry honeyy I was just messin wid chew!"

I let out a little forced laugh as I followed her out the back door to outside.

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