15 Room 82

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Josh's pov

I was so thrilled when the plane finally landed. I needed to stretch so bad. Everyone slowly went about grabbing their belongings and standing up, whereas I already had it all sorted and was just so ready to get off this metal beast.

I slid in between people with alan following close behind as everyone all shuffled out the door of the plane.

I jumped out of the door.

"Boom! I'm out the door and off the plane and I'm free! Made it! We made!" I yelled with my hands up in the air.

I spun around and grabbed Alan's shoulders.
"We did it alan! We survived the longest flight in the world!" I dramatically gabbled.

"I slept for most of it." Alan said as he stretched his arms and yawned.

I let him go and ran straight down the corridor and ran all the way back, in that time alan hadn't moved much.
His pale ginger hair was sticking out in all directions and he had a sleepy glaze over his eyes, but all his energy flooded back as soon as Austin walked off the plane and came towards us.

"Austin!" Alan giggled with glee as Austin scooped him up in a hug.

Jack and alex came out followed by brendon.

"The fuuuun has arrived!" Brendon sang as he walked out of the planes entrance.

Everyone grouped together and started chatting, I though, kept a look out for tyler.
My face lit up as soon as I saw him walking out towards us, the officer by his side.

After our little 'play fight', the officer came and took him and made him sit at the back next to him. Which obviously I was quite entertained with it all, but also slightly disappointed and as bored as ever when he wasn't sitting with us anymore.

Keeping a grip on Tyler's upper arm, the officer walked him off the plane. His wrists were secured together with a zip tie, a gave a little giggle once I saw that, but then I saw he had a big pout on his face as he waddled over to us.

Awe poor bub.

His zip tie was cut off and he was allowed to go free. He shook his wrists around as he walked over to join the rest of us.

Everyone turned to greet him.

"Nice of you to finally show up." Jack teased.

"Yeah dude what was all that about, I saw you getting dragged away to the back." Brendon laughed.

Tyler looked really embarrassed as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he kept opening and closing his mouth as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Oh well, doesn't matter, what matters is that we are here in Fiji and we are about to have an epic time! So let's get moving you bunch of geese!" I chuckled as I diverted everyone's attention off of tyler.

"Woop woop!" Austin cheered.

Everyone picked up their stuff again and we all started walking off to go collect our luggage.

Everyone bustled along as we all made loud conversation. I joined tyler at his side, clearly much to his displeasure, and attempted to make conversation with him.

"So, how'd it feel to be the criminal for once?" I joked as I nudged his side playfully.

He didn't reply.

"Cats got your tongue?" I questioned.

And still nothing.

I just decided to settle for walking next to him in silence. This didn't last very long, because two seconds later I felt my whole body falling towards the ground in a clumsy manner.

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