Chapter 2: Bad Puns. . .

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I woke up once more but this time I was in pain, so much pain, and Creator decided to be a bitch and end the VERY first chapter with a fucking cliffhanger. Cliffhangers hurt, you know!!!

I opened my eyes seeing the bright white moon and its stars staring down at me, I realized I was on my back, great. I could've been paralyzed! I tried sitting up and a sharp pain shot through my right shoulder, must've landed on a rock or something and dislocated it cause it won't move, shit. I tried to pop it back into place but it hurt too much to even touch it, I tried to stand up, another sharp pain going through my left leg all the way to my hip. Damn, how high did I fall from?

I looked around and realized I was in some sort of cave, the walls were dark and I could hear crickets chirping in the distance, I used the wall to push myself up, moaning in pain as I stood up. I couldn't see a way to get back to the surface but, low and behold, a hallway I didn't see before popped out of nowhere. How convenient. (Hallway ex machina)

I limped my way to the hallway, wincing every now and then from the pain, it was dark and spooky, the perfect place to be injured, yay! I hopped through the passage way, the walls slowly turning a dark blue as I continued, the air started to get warm but a sense of loneliness started to float around. As I 'walked' I noticed a weird looking frog hop away in a hurry when it saw me and a big ass moth...? The hell?

I ignored them and shook my head, finding help was more important than some weird ass critters, I heard laughter echo off the walls and I stopped suddenly. Someone else was here?? I continued slowly, hearing the laughter increase as I round a corner, it sounded like a man and a woman.

"Hey Tori," said the man with a slightly raspy voice, "what's a skeleton's favourite instrument?" He snickered.

"I don't know Sans," said the woman with a calm and mother like voice, "what is a skeleton's favourite instrument?"

"A trom-bone!" He snickered.

She giggled at his very bad pun and he snickered harder, God, that was terrible.

"What happens when a skeleton gets into a fight with another skeleton?" She said.

"What happens?"

"He really sockets to him." Oh Jeez, not her too.

He snickered hard and she couldn't stop giggling.

"Why did the Mummy have to go to the doctor?" He said.

"Because he couldn't stop coffin." I mumbled.

I didn't hear them after that, did they leave? Or maybe they...heard me. Fuck! I tried to turn around but my body wouldn't move, like it was being controlled by some invisible force, I saw a bright blue aura surrounding me and a growling sound from behind me.

"You wanna have a bad time?" It was the man with the raspy voice.

The aura suspended me in the air and made me do an 180, the aura itself was illuminating the area around me and I could see a kind of short skeleton (compared to me) wearing a blue coat with a fur hood and a white shirt under it, black shorts with white lines on the outside and fuzzy pink slippers with socks. . ? The hell? His left eye...socket had a glowing bright blue pupil in it too, his face had a wide grin although his eyes had a murderous glare and his left hand was outstretched with the same blue aura around it. So it was him!

"Sans! Put him down, do not harm the child." Child? I'm seventeen!

A large. . .goat woman? (Or a cow?) with white fur wearing a long blue tunic with a weird symbol on her chest, she gave the skeleton the, as I like to call it, 'Mother' stare. You know, the 'obey or I'll whoop your ass' look.

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