Chapter 9: Petals

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The next morning was a bit calm to be honest, a little too calm, I thought Papyrus would've been jumping up and down on my bed for me to wake up and get ready for our second date or have Undyne help him make spaghetti again just 'less awesome" this time or even have her help him get me out of bed by dragging me out the sheets or something. . .hehe I'd like to see them try. But unfortunately none of that happened, hell he wasn't even there to wake me up at all, Sans said he was in his room doing something but was too lazy to figure out what.

I didn't let that get me down though, I mean it's Papyrus, nothing he does can get you down.

I was outside wearing a (f/c) long sleeved shirt with a Slenderman circle (or whatever Creepypasta you like most or hate the least) over where my heart is, long black baggy jeans, my converse, black fingerless gloves and my trusty beanie, I had my necklace out today. I don't know, I felt like showing it. I propped myself near the door and waited for Papyrus to come out which was taking a while. God, how long does it take for a skeleton to get dressed?

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, strange. I don't remember giving or getting a number since I was down here, except Toriel, somehow she put hers in my phone while I was asleep at her house. . .goat mom is a sneaky mom. I took it out and realized it was a text from Charlie.

C: Hey, Y/N, thank goodness you texted me back, I thought you were a goner :'( I miss you. My parents noticed you missing but I don't think they registered that you're not coming back yet. No worries, at least you're safe :). Make sure you keep your furry butt out of danger okay? I have to go now, I can hear them coming up the stairs. Bye Y/N, hope to hear you soon.

I smiled softly at the text, I could just imagine Charlie's face when he wrote this, he always used to blush when it came down to something sentimental even if it was a simple 'I like you' to anyone. I was about to text him back when the door got busted open and out came a certain hyper skeleton.

"Y/N!! DO NOT WORRY, THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS FINALLY-" he stopped mid-sentence and realized he couldn't find me, "WHERE DID THE HUMAN GO?" He said more to himself although it didn't sound like it.

"Behind you Pap."

He turned around and I went wide eyed at what he was wearing. Black Jordans, yellow basket ball shorts that reached his mid thigh, a cropped orange vest like shirt, that showed off just below his rib cage, with basketballs on the shoulders and the words 'COOL DUDE' sewn in the front, a red cap on backwards and his red gloves. I didn't know whether to go back in inside and pretend he wasn't in front of me or laugh at the clash of bad fashion, I couldn't stop snickering.


"Yeah, Pap, uh you look pretty cool in them." I smiled, still trying to stop snickering.

"A GENUINE COMPLIMENT!" He squealed, a soft orange dusting his cheekbones, "YOU HAVE FLATTERED THE GREAT PAPYRUS, THEREFORE I MUST GIVE YOU A COMPLIMENT AS WELL!" He put his right hand on his hip bones, his left hand resting on his chin like he was thinking about something, "AH! I KNOW!" He walked up to me and pointed at my chest, "YOUR NECKLACE LOOKS COOL, NOT AS COOL AS MY OUTFIT BUT ITS UP THERE."

"Thanks Pap." I smiled again, I could feel my cheeks grow warm.

He muttered something under his breath but I couldn't hear him, "READY TO START OUT DATE Y/N?" He gleamed, that wasn't what he muttered though.

"Uh, sure."

He grabbed my hand and yanked me off into the snow, 'Nyeh heh heh'ing all the way, I smiled and laughed with him as I ran to keep up with him.

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