Chapter 12: I'm So Sorry

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I'm so sorry.

Wha? Creator why're you saying so-

Ow ow ow! Shit, my head! What the hell.

I tried to move but my hands and feet were bound by something, something was covering my eyes and mouth too, I knew I was against a wall though, hanging by whatever was binding me. I heard footsteps echo in the area I was in, they were coming towards me, my heart beat fast from anticipation and I couldn't breathe. The footsteps stopped right in front of me, I could feel someone's breath on my face.

"Finally, you're awake, its about damn time." That voice, it sounded so familiar.

Whatever was over my eyes and mouth was removed and I blinked my eyes to adjust to the semi bright room, the first thing I saw was yellow and green.


"And you say you don't know me." The voice chuckled.

My vision cleared and I saw it was in fact Flowey but not him at the same time, it was Flowey's head on some kind of plant body in the shape of a man, tall and well built, a little too muscular for my liking though.

"Hehe, you still can't stop staring at this bod huh?" He chuckled.

I snapped out of my gaze and glared at him, "let me go you talking weed!"

"No can do, you see, you play too much," he said reaching a vine like hand to my face, I moved away from him the best I could but it only made him chuckle more, "and the game's over."

"I don't know what you're talking about! What game?! When have I ever taken such a liking to such an annoying bastard that I would want to be near him?"

"Well you hang out with that bone twit now so I don't see the problem." He smirked.

I growled more at him and he smiled more, "oh you always looked so sexy when you're angry~" he forcibly grabbed my face making me look at him, "but you were always sexier without those clothes~"

My eyes grew wide and my heart wanted to beat out of my chest, he licked my cheek and placed his free hand on my stomach, slowly trailing down to my belt buckle. I instantly knew what he was going to do and writhed against the binds again, I assumed they were the vines again, he smiled showing his fangs and proceeded to unbuckle the belt.

"Lets see if you're still the same down ther-agh!"

I managed to get one of my feet free and kicked that motherfucker in the mouth, he stumbled back and held his lip, I smirked when I saw it was cut but no blood dropped out, can't he bleed?

He walked back to me with anger in his eyes and slapped me, the stinging caused my eye to water but I didn't make a sound.

"How dare you!!" He yelled, "you know what I'm capable of yet you still insist on being difficult," he grabbed my face again with one hand, yanking my hair back with the other, "heh, looks like I'll have to teach you another lesson."

He roughly pushed his lips onto mine, I gasped in disgust and he used that as an opportunity to force his tongue into my mouth (or whatever the hell it was), I fought against the vines but they only tightened more around my wrists and ankles. I could feel my skin starting to bruise too.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I fought against him harder, it was futile but I had to- I wasn't going to give in just like that! I could feel our mixed saliva drip out the corner of my mouth, his tongue forced it's way to the back of my throat, I couldn't breathe and he tasted weird. I bit his tongue and he let go suddenly, I coughed out what was left of that horrid interaction in wet hacks and spit out the taste and the rest.

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