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~XX Days later~

You huff loudly as you follow the girl, carrying a heavy bag on your back as you trek up the steep hill, mouthing curse words all the way.

"Oh c'mon twerp," the girl smiles wide while walking backwards, showing off as well, "not that far tuh go now." She lies.

You groan loudly as you continue, it's dark as shit outside, early in the morning and you're more or less in the middle of the forest. You asked often why you're there in the first place but she wouldn't say, hell it wasn't even like you trusted her either, she forced you to come. You fight against the clinging branches, this scene feels oddly familiar to you.

"Aight, we can stop now." The girl says.

You have just entered a clearing when she says so, a pile of wood in the very middle and several arcs of stone at the border, they look like doorways. You fall to your knees huffing and puffing, sweat dripping down your face, you curse even more seeing how unaffected she is.

"Stop cursing unda yuh breath boy," she says turning to you, "if ya got sumting ta say say it ta mah face, my back ain't a answering machine. Plus cursing ain't your ting anyway." She waves her hand dismissively.

*When you stand you ask again why you're here.

"You got de stuff right?" She looks around suspiciously, what is this, drug smuggling?

You nod, remembering to put everything in the bag before she rushed you outside.

"Good good, wait here while I get everything ready. And don't leave or I'll drag you back here by yuh hair, yuh hair cuh pass fuh Remi and I cuh get a good pay." She says with a smile, walking off to the forest.

You huff as you sit cross legged on the ground, still grumbling under your breath. The distant calls of the wildlife and the whistling of the wind through the trees can be heard, bringing a calming atmosphere to the campsite. A while later the girl comes back, whistling a song to herself as she walks to the fire, she's emptying some things out her pockets, they appear to be random knick knacks, and into the fire. Every time one of them hits the fire it turns a different color and flairs up, you stare in awe every time something is thrown in, what the hell are those? After she empties her pockets she huffs in approval, the fire a dull grey now, and walks back to where you're sitting.

"C'mon, let's get this ova wid." She helps you to stand and walks you back to the fire.

You have no idea what you have to do.

"Do ya know what you were going ta do with de stuff afta yuh bring it up from de Underground?" You give a half nod, you wanted to bring them back with you but you didn't exactly know what you were going to do with them afterwards, bury them maybe? Let them see up top one last time? "Well take them out fuh me, we gine do this t'night and now before de sun comes up."

*You ask why can't they do it with the sun is up.

"Den de ritual ain't gine work."


"Juss get de things out, will ya?" She says impatiently, "I wanna get sleep too yuh know."

You glare at her lightly before dumping the contents of the bag on the ground.

The Faded Ribbon and Toy Knife.

The Manly Bandana and Boxing Glove.

The Ballet Shoes and Old Tutu.

The Clouded Glasses and Torn Notebook.

The Burnt Pan and Stained Apron

The Empty Gun and Cowboy Hat.

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