Chapter 10: Blue Talks and Pink Lights

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Grillby and I were zipping back and forth in the diner, trays of orders balanced in our hands and holding the drinks to give to the customers in our hands, loud voices merged into each other into a melody of nonsense, new ones replaced old ones and no booth, table or chair was ever empty. Grillby's was always active.

I huffed as I tried to catch my breath in the back room, some monster girls managed to grab me and kept me at their table, their hands going up and down my arms and roaming my chest, I swear one of them groped my ass. . .not that I didn't like the groping thing but I would've preferred a man, y'know? A nice sexy man with rippling muscles, rock hard abs and the 'V', man you can't forget that.

No, bad Y/N, *slaps self" not at work. Not at work, bad Y/N.

"You okay?" Grillby walked in with a smirk and an empty tray in his hand, "looks like the girls caught you."

"They're so vicious, how do you manage with them?" I whined , he laughed heartily and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, eventually you'll either get used to them or they'll get tired of you."

"I doubt that," I raised my hand to my forehead and sighed dramatically, "my sexiness is a curse I must bear forever."

He chuckled again and shook his head, "if you say so."

"There's that jealousy again." I sang.

He laughed again and walked out carrying some more orders on the once before empty tray. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and walked back out, the girls cheering for my return again. Ugh. I faked a smile at them and walked behind the counter at the bar, no way in hell I'm going back over there, and that's when I saw Sans sitting at the counter with that signature smile on his face.

"Hey kiddo," he said giving me a slight wave, "howzzit glowing?"

"Brightly," I snickered, "how about you, Sans?

"Bonetastic. How bout a bottle o'ketchup for this bag o'bones?"

"Sure." I pulled a ketchup bottle from below and handed it to him, he hummed a 'thank you' and brought the bottle to his head, chugging down the red paste quickly.

Time Skip!

Everything died down again and those crazy girls left. Thank god, I hate it when skanks touch me up like I'm their eye candy, this bod is only for P-. . .anyway. Sans was still here and Grillby was in the back, everyone else was chatting amongst themselves.

"So," Sans said after lifting his head up from laying down, "have you ever heard of a talking flower?"


"Y'know, a talking flower, ever heard of it?"

Does he mean the echo flower? Or that other flower?

"Uh, yeah. .?"

"Oh so you have heard of the echo flower," he said resting his head on his knuckles, "good good."

"Why you asked?"

"I couldn't stoma-self from asking but I can pa-tell you saw another type of talking flower," he shrugged, "plus those scratches look familiar."

He pointed at my arm and I realized I actually had scratches from yesterday, I tried to act like I didn't know where they came from but he didn't look like he believed me.

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