Chapter 24: The Forgotten

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When you woke up this morning you had no memory of what happened the night before, you woke up with your shirt unbuttoned, your hair a mess and a painful headache, Papyrus had just come in with breakfast and told you what happened. Apparently you got incredibly drunk, was staggering and mumbling to yourself and attempted to strip when you got to your room, Papyrus stopped you of course but after a poor attempt to struggle you passed out on the bed. Let's just say your face was brighter than a stoplight when he told you.

Now you're heading to Alphys' lab again to see if the date with her and Undyne went well, she isn't answering her phone when you text or call her so you just decided to go to make sure nothing was wrong. You hope the date went well though. Papyrus insisted on coming with you, trying to get him to stay was futile and he's a determined monster so it made no sense. This would've been your last stop before going to Asgore again, so far you've checked everything off your bucket list.

You've had a date with Papyrus.

Settled that issue with Undyne.

Made Mettaton visit Napstablook.

Met Gaster, though he wasn't on your list.

Made Sans trust you more. . .in a way.

Made ends meet with Grillby.

And haven't killed anyone. YAY!!

When you're actually inside the lab you realize it's quiet, unusually quiet, you start to become suspicious. You get Papyrus to call out for her but get no reply, you look around upstairs but don't find her, you search downstairs again and find a note on the desk below the large monitor that is still monitoring you for some reason. It reads:

Y/N, it's Alphys, if you're reading this it probably means that I'm not back yet and I haven't torn this up yet. Uh, thanks for helping Undyne and I go on a date, I've been so shy to ask her for so long then she came barging in after you sent me those texts. We watched anime and had noodles, it was great!! THANK YOU!!! Uh, I left this for you because I think I can trust you, can you keep a secret? I've been keeping this from everyone else for a long time and I'm not sure I can hide it much longer (I haven't even told Undyne). There's a door that leads to another part of the lab, I need you to go down there for me, it's better if I show you what I want to tell you.

P.S Please don't hate me.

Papyrus is looking over your shoulder as you read the letter, just as perplexed as you are, what's so bad that she thinks you will hate her?

"DOES SHE MEAN THIS DOOR?" Papyrus points to the door next to the ascending escalator and you shrug.

You put down the letter and walk to the door, Papyrus right behind you, and go through when it opens. It's another elevator. You push the only button there which says 'True Lab'. When it starts it rocks violently before descending, Papyrus looks hella worried at this motion, but then it start to speed up, like hyperbeam fast, making this weird whirring sound, and you start to float in the elevator. Before you two can register what's happening the elevator suddenly stops, you two plummet to the ground then everything goes dark.

Time Skip!
Don't worry you're still alive.

Papyrus is carrying your unconscious body bridal style as he walks out of the remains of the 'True Lab' elevator, huffing and slightly injured. His HP is down by 7 now but you are at 3 HP, how did your HP get so low so fast? Are you that weak? Or is your 'armor' only effective against monster attacks and not environmental attacks? If so then that sucks. Papyrus sits down while putting you in his lap and tries to get your HP back up by using his healing magic but is too tired to make it full again, you're now at 13. He's happy you're still alive though. He looks at his surroundings, he's in what looks to be a hospital, he's wondering when and how a hospital got built under the lab when he hears a weird distorted moaning sound. He slowly looks behind him in fear, eyes growing wide at the sight behind, the same googly eyes from before but they're now focused.

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