Chapter 3: The Loudmouth

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I woke up, once again, but this time in the kid's room and not in pain anymore, there was a pie on the table and a note next to it, the delicious smell of the pie and the mystery of the note filled me with determination and I got up from the bed. I also saw that my bag was in here too, Yes!!

I went over to the table on two good feet now, yeah I heal pretty fast, on the way there I unraveled the bandages and dunked them in the trash can, my lovely skin finally being revealed. Yeah, I love myself and I'm proud. I picked up the note and it looked like Toriel wrote it.

My child, I hope you enjoy the slice of Butterscotch Cinnamon pie I left for you, Sans and I found your backpack when we searched the ruins this morning, no need to thank us. ]: ) I hope Sans didn't scare you last night, he was just skulking around ]; )
Love, Toriel.

Wow, I don't know what's worse. That Sans guy being menacing or the puns. I smiled slightly at the note though, she was nice and caring and loving, now I feel even more guilty for shunning her. Ugh, dammit. I ate the pie quicker than I wished, must've been hungrier than I thought, I checked my bag to see if all my stuff were still inside in case any fell out from the fall and nothing did. I stretched hearing a loud cracking sound from my arm. Ow. I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed out the door, I turned and went to the living room where Sans and Toriel were already.

"Good morning, my child." Toriel gleamed when she saw me.

"Hey, Kiddo." Sans pipped, he wasn't as cold as last night but I could still feel no warmth from him.

"Hey Toriel, Sans." I smiled slightly.

"Are you ready to leave?" I nodded and Toriel gestured me to follow her, Sans trailing just behind us.

We went down some stairs into what I assumed to be the basement, along the way she started to explain some things. Apparently, there was a long war between humans and monsters, the humans won and banished the monsters underground, seven of their most powerful wizards created a barrier so they wouldn't be able to get away. They've been down here ever since. It sounds like a bunch of hooey but this is a fanfic and I myself am not normal so it could be possible. She also said something about LV and EXP but she wouldn't explain fully and Sans was too lazy to. . .

We reached a giant doorway with opened concrete doors that looked like they've been opened recently, I could see a white covered forest, snow was falling lightly and the bitter wind was blowing in. I shivered as it blew towards us, the wind was cold as shit but they're not shivering, maybe they're used to it but what the hell!

"Sans will take you to his home from here, I have some business to take care of but I hope you have a safe trip," she smiled warmly at me and snuck a glance at Sans, "and don't worry, the residents of Snowdin are very friendly so you shouldn't have any trouble."

I smiled and we exchanged goodbyes, starting the trek to this Snowdin place but for some reason, I just couldn't leave Toriel with a bad impression of me. What? I liked her.

So I turned around headed straight to her, I guess I didn't look too friendly cause she started to look scared and I could feel Sans' eyes boring holes in my back. When I was close enough I opened my arms and caught her in a hug, she was a tad shorter than me but our cheeks still grazed each other and I could feel her face get warmer. She was shocked at first but then she hugged me back and I could tell she was smiling, her hugging me threw me by surprise even though I kinda expected it, you don't really get hugs(or shown affection) if you've been through the homes I have.

I parted suddenly and kept my head down, "th-thanks again," I whispered.

I walked away before she could say anything but I knew she was smiling, I hurriedly walked past Sans as he chuckled to himself, head still down and I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

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