Chapter 20: Fire and Ice?

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The wind picks up, blowing snow harshly against your body, you don't know how but the weather changed from gently snowing to hailing winds and thunder and shit in just a few seconds.

Wait, thunder? Where's the lightni-


*A bright flash of light streaking across the sky, cascading to the earth in a hairline fracture, you feel your soul quiver.


You start to run against the winds, ignoring the snowflakes that hit you like icicles, a bright orange light can be seen in the distance. You instantly know you're close to Grillby's, you can feel the warmth even through the snow. You run harder trying to reach the safe haven until you bump into something, or rather someone, hard, making you fall on them with a grunt. You hear a groan as you fall, face buried in two cushions of warmth, you also feel hands on your back and the cushions appear to be moving up and down. . .

"Ow. . ."

You slowly look up and instantly blush, the warm glow you were seeing isn't Grillby's the diner but Grillby's, the actual owner! You can feel his fire increase more as he sits up, trying to speak to you over the loud howls of the winds but you can't hear a word he's saying. He frowns and stands up, pulling you with him and hugging you close as he starts to walk, you don't know where he's taking you but you suspect he's getting out the storm. A few minutes pass and he stops in front of a building, it's too dark to make out what it is, he opens the door and leads you inside, closing the door behind him with a grunt since the winds are blowing strong. You shiver violently as you stand waiting for him, teeth chattering and limbs sore from the cold, from just his body glow alone Grillby manoeuvres until he stops somewhere, reaching his hand forward and igniting something.

As the glow gets brighter you realize it's a fireplace he reached into and you two are in a large cabin. Grillby goes behind you and pushes you to the fireplace, urging you to sit while he goes to another part of the cabin, you sigh happily as the fire warms you, rubbing your hands together and bringing them closer to the fire. Grillby comes back and drapes 3 or 4 wool blankets around you, you smile and thank him but he doesn't say anything back, only stares at you when he sits. Although you can't really see his eyes you can feel them peering into your soul.

"Do you remember me?" He asks, his voice so low it jumps you, "do you remember them?"

*You ask what he means.

"You know what I mean, the timelines, the deaths, all of it. Do you remember them?" He starts to get a little irritated, "answer my question or so help me. . ."

*You tell him you remember, you tell him you regret everything and that you didn't mean to and didn't want to do it. All with slightly shaky hands.

"That's rich," he scoffs, "if you didn't want or mean to then why did you do it?"

*You tell him you don't know but you're sorry.

"'Sorry' doesn't cut it, you killed everyone you loved and whoever loved you with that sadistic smirk on your face, and for what?" Grillby's flame grows red as he growls at you, just about ready to pounce on you, "just so you could be powerful, to take over the world, to just kill for no reason?" Each comment he makes your gut wrench and you chest tighten, you didn't expect to get a scolding from him, Sans was enough to make you cry and you talked to him not too long ago too, "and to think your parents died for you."

He gasps and slaps his hand over his mouth, your look of sadness turns to one of shock and confusion. Your parents, died for you? He tries to stand up but you pull him back down by his sleeve.

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