Chapter 23: Toasty

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You're arriving in Hotlands once again, courtesy of the Riverperson, and heading to MTT Resort. You're still thinking about Gaster and what he said as you enter the building but a sudden shriek of hyperness and the rapid thudding of booted feet interrupt your thoughts.


It's to your left but, before you can turn to see who it is, your body is jerked to the right and you fall on your back. More like pinned but whatever.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! WHERE DID YOU GO??? YOU WEREN'T IN OUR ROOM AND I COULDN'T FIND YOU, YOU HAD ME SO WORRIED!!!!" Papyrus sobs, burying his face in your chest.

You smile softly and pat his head lovingly, apologizing to him when he looks to you. He forgives you and sits up but doesn't get off of you.

"Y/N, DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS THIS EVENING BEFORE YOU GO TO KING ASGORE?" You shake your head, "SPLENDID!!! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WOULD LIKE TO ASK IF YOU WOULD DO A DO-OVER DATE WITH ME." Your eyes widen in surprise but then you remember your original date was ruined by certain. . .things, "I AM CONFIDENT THAT YOU WILL DEFEAT ASGORE AND BREAK THE BARRIER BUT I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A PRECAUTION IN CASE SOMETHING GOES WRONG." His face is a slight orange and he's making puppy dog eyes, even though he has no eyes he's so cute.

You smile and nod, of course you would go on a date again!!!

"SPLENDID!!! BE READY FOR 8PM SHARP," he stands and pulls you up with him, helping to dust you off as he continues, "NOW IM GOING TO GO HOME TO GET READY FOR OUR DATE, YOU STAY HERE AND USE OUR ROOM, I'LL BE BACK BEFORE YOU KNOW IT." He pecks you on your cheek and runs off, cackling loudly and disappearing soon after.

You're dazed, starstruck even, your soul always flutters wildly when he does stuff like that. You hold the cheek he kissed as you walk to your room, oblivious to the smirking gazes of the other monsters living in the hotel, when you get inside your room you glance at the clock.

4:55 PM.

You stare at the clock in disbelief, Papyrus set up a date for you that'll be in the next three hours??? What happened to having it in the next hour? You sigh hard thinking it'll be a waste of time (the three hour wait, not the actual date) but then you think he must have something planned for you and needs the extra time. Before you can ponder on what the surprise may or may not be you hear music, but not just any music, gameshow music.

Oh no.

The door bursts open, revealing a dark silhouette.

"Darling~" it was. . .him.

You stumble backwards as the figure comes into view, Mettaton's as shiny as when you first met him only now he has multiple shopping bags on his arms that are elongated now.

"Miss me?" He smirks.

*You ask him why he's here.

"Oh I'm just doing a favor for my No. 1 fan, can't I splurge my viewers every once in a while?" He winks at you but you are still confused as to why he's here, "Papyrus asked me to help you get ready for your date."

Oh. . .wait what? Wasn't he the one that wanted you for himself just a few days ago?

"Now Darling~" he throws the bags on the bed and stands with his hands on his hips, "stop dilly dallying and come over here so I can help you get dressed."

Get dressed? Oh no, you weren't about a (sex) robot touching you up. Your bod is for Papyrus only!

You shake your head and back up until you meet the wardrobe, he frowns slightly, he rummages through one of the bags and pulls out bright pink fabric.

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