Chapter 18: Blue Talks

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Mettaton for last chapter above, phone screwing up so showing pics might be a bit iffy.

Grey walls and grey floors, everything's dull and bland, calm music plays in the background, not too hard not too soft. Papyrus is actually quiet for once, not that you don't want him to speak it just feels weird for him to actually be quiet. You guess you could say he speaks for both of you.

There's another elevator but that seems out of order too, maybe that was the one that connects with the one at the hotel so you had to take the long way. The music starts to get louder, you can see a city below, white lights on grey buildings, dots moving on the street floor. Papyrus says this is the Capital, where more prestigious monsters live, it seems boring, not as lively as the parts of the Underground you've been to. You continue walking until you meet a grey house named 'New Home', it looks like an exact replica of Toriel's house only stripped of color.

Papyrus knocks on the door, but no one came, he knocks again and shout to say you two are outside but no one came. He stares at the door with one of his puzzle solving faces trying to figure out why the owner hasn't opened the door yet, you roll your eyes and huff with a chuckle, walking past him and opening the door. To your surprise it's unlocked, Papyrus gasps loudly and starts to rant about how it's unmannerly to enter one's home without permission. You ignore his rant and look around, everything is like Toriel's house, EVERYTHING!! only dull of color.

Papyrus gets distracted by something shiny down the left corridor and runs off that way, you giggle at him and go to the right. You go to the door which would've been the bedroom you went into at Toriel's and find two white presents with red ribbons wrapped around them. There's a card in front of them, you kneel down in front of it at read it.

Help yourself. It says.

Help yourself to what?

You open both presents, one has a heart shaped friendship locket with the words 'Best Friends' inscribed on the inside on one side while the other side has a blurred picture in it, you could tell there are two people and they are wearing the same clothes but you can't tell who they were. The other has a worn dagger for gardening.

Mere fact that it's a blade is a big no no. You don't know where those memories keep coming from but you sure as hell don't want a repeat of them.

You take up the locket and place it around your neck, while putting it there you discover you had another necklace on, a small chestnut shell in the shape of a bear claw on black thread-like material. You have another memory and, for once, you aren't afraid to see this one.

"He's so cute."

An icelizard man held onto a baby boy wrapped in a bundle of blankets (he couldn't have been more than a few months old), swaying from side to side for him to fall asleep after a long day of playing.

"Of course he is, he's my kid!!"

A firecat woman jumped towards the two, cooing to the baby as he gurgled happily.

"Don't you mean 'our' kid?"

"Well yeah but all the looks came from me." She snorted smugly.

"Sure they did." He rolled his eyes, "did you get his birthday present?"

"Of course I did," she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bear claw necklace, "did you really think I'd forget?"

"Well you forgot this morning."

"Shut up!" She says playfully.

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