Chapter 8: Back At Grillby's

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Whoo! My hand finally healed properly!! Yay for me!! Now I can go back to Grillby's, I wonder if he's still upset. . .oh well. We'll know when we get there right?

Grillby let me come back saying he was sorry for the way he acted before, I told him he didn't have to worry but asked why. He said I reminded him of someone he used to know, someone close, he wouldn't tell me anything more. Even if I tried he still wouldn't so I let it go, for now anyways, now we had work to do and most likely had a busy day ahead of us.
When we opened people started to flow in like water through a broken dam, it was mayhem, but at least it was friendly and lively. I went about taking orders, serving food and drinks, getting cat calls and wolf whistles from the customers, it happened so regular it felt like I knew which customer would do what, which was creepy but whatever.

It started to die down a little after lunch hour, the random monsters were gone and only the regulars stayed, I was cleaning some glasses and was taking a long needed look at the place. The walls always seemed to have an orange glow to them, at some point at least one booth was taken and people were always smiling whether drunk or not, then I realized something important, something that would make in here more lively or at least better in some way. Music. There was no music, even though there was a jukebox in the far right corner near the bar, nothing played.

"Grill," the fire man looked to me, his glasses shining from the ceiling light, "what happened to the jukebox?"

Grillby groaned and pinched the space beneath the glasses where his nose would be, "Sans is what happened."

"What did he do?" I said trying not to smile because its Sans after all.

"You're supposed to put in one gold coin for three songs," he sighed and looked at the jukebox in annoyance, "Sans decided to be who he is and somehow ordered twenty one plays of some human song called 'What's New Pussycat'." He waved his hand around to show his annoyance.

Oh he did that too?

"Why'd he do that fur?" I snickered.

"I don't know, the song was so annoying! It got so bad we had to unplug it because the other monsters were starting to wreck the place in. . .you said a cat pun didn't you." He frowned.

"I don't know, meowy I did, meowy I didn't." I snickered.

He was about to say something with an angered smirk when the door bursted open.


Papyrus came in like a wrecking ball, yelling at the top of his nonexistent lungs, and practically threw himself to the counter, smiling wide and eyes gleaming. Sans, Undyne and Alphys came in shortly after although Undyne was much louder than him.

"WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY?!?" She yelled.

Everyone said hi and waved.

"Hey guys, what brings you by?" I said.

"W-we wanted t-to s-see h-how you w-were d-doing, y-you did f-fully heal o-overnight," Alphys said, she looked like she hasn't slept in a while. Probably was watching anime again, or reading the mangas I introduced her to, "w-which is m-miraculous."

"Good to see you're not working yourself down to the bone, kiddo." Sans winked.


"Oh come on bro," he looked at Grillby and his smirk grew, "no need to be so hotheaded."

Everyone groaned loudly and Grillby facepalmed, I laughed hard at the joke though and Papyrus made a sorta sad face at me.

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