Chapter 22: Unexpected Intimidation

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~While you were separated from Papyrus~

"I WONDER WHY I COULDN'T GET THROUGH WITH Y/N, WHAT WAS THAT? SOMEONE'S MAGIC?" Papyrus ponders as he walks back the way you two came, stroking his chin in thought, "BUT WHO WOULD WANT TO KEEP THE GREAT PAPYRUS FROM SEEING THE KING? I'VE DONE IT SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE SO WHY WAS THIS TIME DIFFERENT?" He furrows his brows as he thinks hard but comes up empty.

This puzzle is too difficult to solve right now.

"NO MATTER, I HAVE BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF AT THE MOMENT. . .and I don't plan on slacking off."

An air of malice washes over him as he says the last part, something about what he's talking about is unsettling compared to his normal demeanor, what is he going to do?

When he arrives back at the 'arena' you fought the superstar, Mettaton's still talking to Alphys. He smiles deviously, his plan's starting off easier than he thought.

"Oh Alphys Darling~, I can't even begin to explain how that human tasted. So fresh, so unique, so. . .so. . ."

"H-Human?" Alphys added.

"Oh yes Darling~ just that~" He sounds a lot like a something that Papyrus must not say but he knows what it is anyway.

"METTATON?" He says drawing the others' attention, "NYEH HEH HEH, IT SEEMS YOU HAVE TAKEN A LIKING TO THE HUMAN." He chuckles.

"But of course Darling~ he's the first human I've ever seen and I wouldn't mind seeing him again. . .now if I remember correctly you said you're my number one fan?" He says, a sharp smile appearing on his face.

Alphys groans and facepalms knowing what's really behind that smile.

"Y-YES METTATON, YOU'RE THE MOST FAMOUS MONSTER IN THE UNDERGROUND AND BY FAR THE MOST POPULAR, I ACTUALLY ENVY YOUR POPULARITY," he acts shy, "ITS TRULY AN HONOR TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF SOMEONE SO BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED." He takes the robot's hand and kisses it, causing Mettaton to blush slightly. Alphys stands in the background uneasily.

"Well my darling, it's a honor to have you in my presence and might I say you are a gorgeous one yourself, it's a shame you're not as popular as I am but even so you're already popular in my books." He smiles even more.

"M-ME? POPULAR WITH YOU? I C-COULDN'T BE. . ." Papyrus blushes pink.

"Why of course you are! All my fans are popular in my eyes, even if they don't see it themselves, but since you are my number one fan I guess you are legible for certain. . .privileges." He seductively drags his finger along his jaw, Papyrus tenses and goes wide eyed, his bones rattling softly under his armour.

"P-PRIVILEGES?" He stutters.

"Of course Darling~"


"Well for starters, dinner would be the first," he whispers in his nonexistent ear, one hand on his chest and the other ghosting down his spine, "and who knows what could come after that~"

Papyrus blushes even more at his actions, his own hands unconsciously finding their way to his hips, both of them giggling softly to each other. Alphys on the other hand shifts uncomfortably, not only is the situation before her awkward and unnecessary, but also at the glances she keeps getting from Papyrus. Even though he has no pupils or eyes for that matter, she knows he's looking at her, mostly giving slight glares at her to keep her mouth shut. She knows what he's doing- what he's going to do, and it ate at her soul that she can't tell her friend. She doesn't know the specifics but she knows he's going to do something bad to Mettaton.

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