Chapter 5: Morning Spaghetti

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Little Y/N, our cute little Y/N.

He's so adorable when he sleeps.

Too bad he has to wake up now.

Wake up, my sweet, time for you to go to him.

I stirred awake as the dreams drifted back to surface, those childhood dreams whose voices I can't remember, my eyes were still closed although I was awake, feeling too lazy and too comfortable to leave the soft pillow haven that had me trapped in its down feathered luxury. I shifted uncomfortably as I suddenly felt the presence of someone watching me.

"I know you're awake." A familiar voice sounded from beside the bed.

I jolted to my elbows as I looked at Sans with wide but sleepy eyes, what the hell was he doing? Watching me sleep?

"Yeah, I was watching you for the past half hour." I guessed that answered my question.

"What're you doing here?" I said with a groan, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up faster to deal with him.

"That's my line," his hands were in his pockets and his pupils were pinpricks in his sockets now, "what're you doing here?" He said more sternly.

"Weren't you here last night? Papyrus let me-"

"That's not what I meant, what are you doing here in Underground?"

Underground. So that's what this place is called, well overall.


"You fell?"

"Yeah, I fell. Unbelievable, I know. One minute I'm trying to hack my way through the forest to get away and the next minute I'm lying on my back down a hole in a mountain." I shook my head in annoyance and rubbed my temples.

"To get away from who?"

I froze and looked at him with doe eyes, "uh...never mind."

He frowned but sighed heavily, tired himself as well, he might've been lying when he said when he was only watching me for a half hour, more like all night cause he had circles forming under his eyes. He stepped closer to me and looked me up and down and slightly smirked.

"We aren't done here, " he walked away and went towards the door that was slightly ajar, turning to me and smiling his cheezy smile, "and you might wanna cover those ears." He said chuckling softly as he walked out.

"Ears. . ?" I mumbled to no one. I instinctively touched the side my head and realized I was touching my cat ear and not my...beanie. Oh shit! He saw!

"Fuck." I cursed, I searched the bed, finding it somewhere under the sheets, I sighed heavily while putting the hat back on. Why was I acting so nervous? Did I not want him to see me like this that bad? Well, he's not human himself either plus he lives in a town of 'monsters'. Damn you, human society!!

I fought with myself on whether to leave the hat on but ended up doing it anyway *sigh*. I got up from the bed and looked around for a bathroom, finding one that didn't look like it was there last night. I washed my face with the cold water to wake me up more and dried in a nearby towel, I headed outside and went downstairs, the smell of pasta drifting to my nose. Pasta in the morning? Well, that's new.

"NO!! YOU NEED TO STIR HARDER!!!!!!" I heard a loud voice coming from the kitchen and surprisingly it wasn't Papyrus', sounded more like a woman. I cautiously stepped toward the kitchen door frame finding Papyrus in a white apron over his armour standing by the stove, a blue fish lady in a black tank top in front of him with some red substance on her arms and chest (please tell me that isn't blood otherwise I'm going to nope the fuck out of here), a kid in a blue and purple striped shirt with a blank look on their face staring blankly at the stove as the fire was raised way too high and Sans leaning on the counter by the farthest corner of the kitchen table with an amused look on his face.

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