Chapter 25: The Final Step

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Tis be the final and longest chapter in your life, both literally and figuratively, your journey is almost over. Your wish is almost fulfilled. Your determination has gotten you so far. Are you ready for this chapter Y/N, are you determined to see the end?

Your eyes flash open once again, you're on the floor on your side, alone, back in the grey area. The voice from before echoing in your head but you can't tell where it's from or who is speaking but it's so familiar to you, you don't know why. What're you doing here? You were just with Papyrus then everything went black, you're not in pain so you didn't get hit, but how did you get here? You get up and walk to an elevator at the end of the hallway but when you get there you realize that it's overgrown with vines, you can't get them off, now you regret not taking the garden knife. You look behind you and see another door and it looks to be the Judgement Hall but you couldn't see Sans. Is this the final stretch of your journey? You turn on your heel and walk the other way, walking through the door that has a plaque by it saying 'Throne Room'. You step into a large room with yellow flowers blooming out the floor, they're beautiful, you can hear birds chirping but can't find them, light pours into the room, bringing more serenity to the atmosphere. You step inside, your shoes ruffling against the flowers as you walk, you see a person in the middle of the room, backing you and in front of a large throne, there's another throne in the back but it's covered by a white tarp.

"I'll be right with you in a minute." The person says in a deep guttural tone but his voice is chipper and light. He sets down whatever is in his hand and turns around. It's a male version Toriel, tall, a bit on the heavy side but still sorta muscular, his fur is pure white and he has long golden hair and a beard and mustache, his horns were a huge and curved behind him, his eyes are deep blue, big and round, his sharp teeth are overhanging his lip. He's wearing dark silver armour but no shoes or gloves, unlike Undyne's it looks bulkier, stronger, and a royal purple cloak that reaches the floor. He has a smile on his face when he turns around but it instantly falls into a frown when he sees you. Like he didn't expect to see you.

He must be King Asgore.

"It seems the human has finally come," he says in a solemn tone, he looks away from you as if debating with himself then looks at you again, "I want to ask if you would like a cup of tea so badly. . .but I guess now is not the time," he looks away again with the same look on his face but turns to you once more, "well I guess we better get down to business. Follow me."

He walks off to another door at the other end of the wall, you follow him, the door leads to another hallway, it looks so much similar to the hallway you were first in before you met Flowey.

"Just think of it as a trip to the dentist." He whispers but you're not sure if he's talking to you or himself.

Although this is King Asgore, the monster that you must fight to go home and who wants your soul to free everyone, you're not nervous or anxious. In fact you're calm, why? You thought meeting the person that wanted you dead would make you a nervous wreck but you're not. You've settled and resolved everything you had on your mind. Made new friends, a family even. What is there to worry about? Everyone has faith in you and you aren't gonna let them down.

*You are filled with determination!

He leads you through another door which leads you to the literal end to your path. Everything was a pulsating black to grey to white then to black again, a wave like motion, filling your ears with a rhythmic sound that resonates in your very soul. You recognize this place.

"This is the barrier, this is what stops us from going back to the surface," he turns around and towers over you, looking down with a hint of sadness in his eyes, "is there anything you would like to do before we fight? Maybe read your favourite book or chat with a close friend?" But you shake your head, there's nothing to do now, you've solved all your problems, "very well."

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