(2) Where the Hell is Elle?

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The next morning I am brutally torn from my bed and shoved to the floor and screamed at to get dressed.

Well, at least that's what it felt like.

"C'mon Lexa, you promised you'd go with me today." Elle stands in the doorway to my room with her hands on her hips.

Wait, Elle?

I rub the insides of my eyes with my fingertips.

Blurry Elle became regular Elle and she wasn't going away. Which means I would have to drag my ass out of bed, make an effort to look somewhat decent, and then spend about nine hours dragging my feet around, getting naked, and dressed, then naked again, and then coming home worn out and exhausted. Excuse me, I mean, shopping.

Not that I clearly have anything against it.

Groaning, I throw my feet over the edge of my bed and pull myself up, "What are you doing in my apartment anyways?" I ask curiosity now winning me over.

She brushes a loose tendril of hair back behind her ear and replies chirpily, "Your mom let me in."

I nod and walk over to the small walk in closet in the corner of the room. It wasn't much, but I loved it.

With my weight on one hip, I shift back and forth on my feet looking around and trying to decide on what to wear.

Five minutes later, in black leggings, a grey tank top, and an olive colored coat I'm exciting the bathroom.

"Okay, so I have to work at two, so we can shop until then, my shift is from two to four so for those two hours you can just do whatever I guess, and then we'll drive home." Says Elle who is apparently one of those people that feel the need to plan out life down to the minute and second.

I nod, casually half listening to what she's saying. My main focus is on the bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios in front of me.


"So, do you have any siblings? Or is it just you and your mom?" Elle asks from the drivers seat. Currently, we both have our feet up on the dashboard and seats reclined. There's been a traffic jam for the past half hour and the tiny movement of the car rolling forward is slower than a snail on crutches.

"Just me and my mom." I answer, "What about you? Siblings? Boyfriend?"

"One sibling, a brother. No boyfriend." She chuckles, "Well I do have one, he just doesn't know it yet. It'll happen someday, Max Schneider and I are destined to be with each other."

"No seriously though, I'm surprised you're not dating that guy that came by yesterday when we were in the other apartment. He was cute." I look out the window. Nope, still no sign of movement.

Elle bursts out laughing, "Who, Parker?" She tries to hold a straight face, "It's not a possibility, we are close though, you know, we live by each other, both like the color red, go out to eat often, shared a freaking womb. Lots of little things."

"Wait, you mean he's your-" I laugh, trying to cover up how stupid I feel. They weren't flirting in a teasing way, they were actually teasing.

"Yep, Parker Jansen is my fraternal twin. Through love and hate, I'm stuck with him."

"So where do you work? You mentioned it being at the mall." I try to change the subject before figures out that I was basically eye raping her twin yesterday."

"Hot Topic. I don't particularly like the store, or the merchandise there, or the place at all, but I do like the cash." She rubs her fingers together in the money making motion.

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