(18) Hotel Pools with Heated Memories

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A lot of people are confused so I'm gonna make this clear in the beginning: the italics are a flashback to the what happened after the cliffhanger of the previous chapter.


"Aren't you just adorable." My eyes flutter open to see the face belonging to the voice, deep from slumber.

He pulls away briefly, only to kiss me again. I lean closer him, almost as if vowing not to leave again.

I reach up with one arm and run my arms down the strong muscles of his bicep and smile into our kiss when I feel them ripple beneath my touch.

"Loser." I mutter, pulling up on the comforter.

He chuckles, "I could warm you up, if you'd like."

"Sounds nice, I'll pass." I smile softly.

He smiles back, once again not only with his full lips but his eyes as well. My favorite look on him is definitely this, beyond comparison.

"How'd you like the water?" I murmur.

He rubs small circles with his pinky onto my wrist, "A lot better with you in it with me."

I fight back a blush.

He presses me into the side of the pool, my arched back pressing against the gritty cement of the pool wall. The waves lap quietly against the sides, and his voice intoxicates my mind, not so quietly. His touch lingers on my skin, as his hands move to my hair. I want more. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, as I raise myself upward and continue pressing myself to him, as close as I can get, without letting go.

Pausing, I pull away, "I don't think we're just friends." I stutter out, my body still constantly aware of him, my voice raspy and gravelly sounding.

His blue iris's stare into mine, "I was never just friends."

"What are we going to tell Elle?" I chuckle, "She thinks I'm dating Jared."

"You can do whatever you want. Jared won't touch you."

"Jeez, you say that as if I'm not repulsive enough already to ward him off." I chuckle, glancing down at my disheveled pajamas I'd quickly grabbed from my room.

"You're nothing less than beautiful." He mumbles, "The only thing warding off Jared happens to be a fist that can easily be clenched, pulled back, and released."

"Calm down, we're just friends." I smile.

"I know."

"Parker and I are just friends too. It's just- it's complicated. I don't know. I didn't know what we were, or where we are, I just don't know when it comes to him." I finger brush my hair.

"It doesn't matter. You don't belong to him."

"I don't belong to you." I raise an eyebrow.

"You belong to yourself, idiot. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

I nod, slowly.

"I'm not what I'm made out to be, you know." Mason mumbles.

"What?" I look at him, unable to comprehend his mumbled probably nonsense.

"I'm not what I'm made out to be. At school and all." He says, this time more comprehensively.

Oops. Guess it wasn't nonsense.

"Who are you made out to be?"

"I don't do drugs, or smoke, or any of that shit."

"So you're not bad?"

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