(19) Once Upon A Nightmare

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Two weeks.

That's the amount of time it has been since I've heard from Park. With every breath of his name, my breaking heart and raging mind respond by longing.

Losing him hurts.

What hurts even more, is that it is my fault.

I sigh, reaching for my phone, unlocking it, and clicking it off, seeing as there isn't any notifications new and worth reading.

"Stop doing that." Elle rolls her eyes at me, "You could have plenty of guys, and instead you choose to pine over my narcissistic dumbass brother. It's actually quite nasty."

"I'm not a tree, therefore I'm not pining over anyone. I just miss him. A lot. I guess."

She gives me a pointed look.

"Okay, but I need to figure things out with him. I don't want to mess this up." I sigh.

"You and Jared already have things figured out. Why do you need Parker?"

"E, me and Jared are nothing more than best friends. He's like my older brother."

"Then what do you need to figure out?"

I blush.


I nod.


"At the resort. You were with Adrien and J convinced me to walk over and check on him."

"You're avoiding my questions Lexaa." Elle exaggerates.

"He just really gets me, and I don't know what happened exactly, but he kissed me or I kissed him, and that led to us basically making out in the pool and I don't know what to do."

Elle laughs, "You and Mason. This I wouldn't of pictured."

"He's not at all the way he was when I met him."

"And you realized he'd changed after you basically raped him in the pool?"

I blush, "There was none of that involved. Just kissing."

But damn. If just kissing anyone was like that, I wouldn't be able to picture anything better than that.


"How about you? Tell me about Adrien."

"We hooked up last weekend."

"And you didn't tell me?!" I tease.

"On that bed in fact."

I jump up, "What the fr-"

"I'm kidding." Elle chuckles, "It was at his place."

I plop back down and send a pointed glare in her direction.

"Nasty hoe."

"You knew it." She grins.

I sigh, "Life is just too complicated for me."

"Calm down, you have one awesome guy and one fugly one I don't know how is related to me, in your life."

"That's the problem." I groan.

Elle smiles slightly, "You'll figure it out.


I read one time that making lists helps bring a persons focus back to concentrated.

It's probably just a bunch of bs, but then again I forward the chain emails I get so I don't become haunted by a demon for 800 years, or die in an hour.

Mason: fire feeling, adrenaline, protected, safe


Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

It's like my mind locks itself up and throws away the key whenever I try to think about him.

He's there, but he's not.

And it hurts.


I glance into the bathroom mirror, and shrug my shoulders up and down, and turn, looking at my body from a sideways angle. Would he have left if I was thinner?

Would he have left if I withheld the sarcasm?

At this point, I don't even know.

I slowly strip down and turn on the shower, letting the moist droplets of hot water glide down my back, and the pressuring thoughts clear my head as if being breathed out and carried up with the steam.

When I'm done, I grab a fluffy towel and head back to my room.

I change quickly, and let my hair loose and damp, too lazy to dry it.

Climbing into bed, I fall into another night of restless sleep.

"Lexa." A voice whispers.

"What?" I groan and roll over, away from the voice.

"I'm gonna lay here okay?"

I swat at the voice's general direction, too consumed by my now interrupted sleep.

"Go away, asshole." My hand comes in contact with a hard chest.

I flinch.

He lays next to me, and links his fingers through mine as he runs another hand through my damp strands of hair.

Still half asleep, I move closer towards this new source of heat, my body a shivering cold from leaving the warm shower.

I smile slowly, feeling the heater pulling me tighter.

His fingers graze the gentle skin above my hips and I shiver.

Remembering Parker's touch there.

Remembering Parker's touch on my arms, my face, my neck, his lips on mine, and his velvet like voice in my ear.

I turn around, and sit up, tossing the arm away from my body.

I reach across and flip on my light.

With wide eyes, I stare at him, "Parker?"

With a gleaming white smile, he responds, "What's up babygirl?"

Im gonna start making shorter chapters like this so I can update a few times a week instead of making you all wait two weeks for an update.

Once again, Parker or Mason?

Do you think Parker did the right thing by coming back? Or should he have stayed away?

email | tinylighthearted@gmail.com
kik | tinylighthearted
insta | @prollywriting

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