(5) The Happiest Unhappy Campers You Will Ever Meet

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You know those crazy nature people, usually obsessed with hunting, fishing, boating, or some other boring natural crap? If you don't know anyone like that, I mean, chances are you are that person.

Until today, I'd considered my great Uncle Jay to be the primary candidate for this slot in my life. I actually have only communicated with the guy in form of ten dollar Starbucks cards every year on my birthday, but nevertheless, he still played the part well.

Turns out, people can have multiple people that fit all the stereotypes of 'people you know in your life.'

And today? Well, I guess I've gained another nature one.


"Please Lexa?" Elle looks at me before walking back to the small dresser in the corner of her room.

I groan and flop on her bed letting my legs dangle over the edge, "What is the importance of this trip anyways?"

"It's tradition or some shit-" Elle's dad walks in, "It is an educational experience," He raises an eyebrow towards Elle, "An educational experience I suggest you finish packing for. Mason will be here to pick you up in a half hour, and it's best to be prompt."

"Prompt, shmompt." Elle smirks after her father leaves the room, "The parties there are absolutely lit, and the guys there are like total golds."

I chuckle, remembering her bizarre system of using metallic colors to rank the hotness of guys.


"YES!" Elle exclaims, "It's so much fun, you'll be counting down the days till next month."

"Next month?" I raise an eyebrow, confused.

"Every month we do some trip thing, most of the time up to the cabin, but we've been other places as well. Mason's dad pays for it, he's like totally loaded."

"Must be where he got his arrogance from." I retort.

Elle laughs and shoves a few more things into her bag before practically sitting on it to get it closed, "We'll just run down to your flat quick and grab your stuff. They'll be here soon."

"Who's they?" I question.

"Everyone." Elle responds, "Mason, Jared, Parker. And me. One big happy group of unhappy campers. And now you're apart of it. After you pass Jared's stupid initiation ritual of course."

"What's initiation? I don't give pity blows, all my apologies to Jared." I bite my lip.

Elle laughs, "No, it's nothing like that."

"Well, what is it like then?"

"Can't tell you." She respond with a smirk, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"Alright, kill me. Least if that happened I wouldn't have to spend the entire weekend with Mason Derivan."


"What the fuck Elle, you didn't say she was coming!" Mason glares at her from the backseat of a red Porsche, "Look, were already crammed enough as it is, there isn't any room. Jared and Park already have to double up.

Parker gives us a overdramatized disgusted look.

"I'll just grab my car then." Elle grins cheekily, "Who's coming with me?"

Parker and Jared immediately stumble out of the car.

"What the hell guys, who's going to drive now? I'm trapped in the backseat due to your genius ideas." Mason complains.

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