(37) The Confrontation

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important authors note at the end. thank you for 352k reads

Right now there are three things I know for sure. For absolute positive.

One, that I am most definitely confused. About nearly everything. When was Elle pregnent? When did Myles enter everyones live's? Why does my life seem like one giant tangled mess?

The second, is that I love Mason. Even though right now it seems like I'm in a constant battle of the feelings of knowing everything about him, to knowing nothing about him at all.

And the third? That today, I will find out the truth.

I swipe through Parker's name to answer the call.

"Hey P."

"Lex. Thank god you answered. I was worried about you." He says.

"Yeah, no I'm fine. I was just at Mason's. I'm leaving now. But listen, Parker. I need to ask you something."

"Of course, anything. What's up?"

"Can you please explain to me what in the hell is going on. With everything."

I hear a deep sigh through the low quality speakers of my phone, "Meet me at the elevator. If you're looking for answers, you're not getting anything over the phone."

I chuckle, "Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I get home."

I can practically see his smile over the phone, "A lot happened while you were gone Lex."

I nod, then realize he can't see it, "Bye Parker."

"Bye Lexa."

Hanging up the phone, I drive the rest of the way home, quickly, and briskly walk up the stairs to my floor, too impatient to wait even for the elevator. Patience has definitely never been my strong spot.

Ten minutes later, he greets me, "Hey."

"Hey yourself." I smile politely at him.

He reaches out and hands me a single tulip. I smile, "What's this for?"

"Someone once told me you should bring a pretty flower, as a gift for when you get to be in the presence of a pretty girl."

A faint pink blush arises in my cheeks, "Thank you. But really, you didn't have to-"

"I wanted to." He chuckles.

I laugh, "I've already locked the apartment."

"That's not a problem." He smiles softly at me, and tucks the tulip behind my ear before smoothing a strand of hair over it. He steps back, as to admire his handiwork, and then taps the button to open the elevator.

I chuckle, and follow him inside. The large metal doors close, and the elevator makes a dinging noise, as we travel downwards towards the ground floor of the building.

We walk side by side out of the building and across the street. He leads me down the sidewalk for a couple blocks and eventually we arrive at a cute coffee shop. After ordering, we sit down, each on our own side of a booth, and he looks at me, "So. What do you want to know?"

I eye him, "Everything."

"A long time ago, the Derivan families moved here. I say families, plural, because that's what they were. The father-I've never met him, so I don't even know his name- wasn't involved in Mason's family. He and a previous girlfriend had Myles, and the father and Louise had Mason. He left shortly after that. He wasn't really involved in either of the kid's lives. Mason resented him for being an alcoholic and a terrible father, and Myles hated him for always leaving him to go be with Louise and Elodie. It wasn't that great of a family situation. Mason and Myles knew each other briefly, but both were always way too damn stubborn to attempt to be friends. Mason stopped attempting completely when Myles started taking his girlfriend's. Did Elle ever tell you about how she and Mason were once a thing?"

I nod, "Yeah, she did. She said it wasn't serious."

"It wasn't. But it could've been. Before things could develop with Mason, she not so soon after, met Myles. I don't know how or where, but they got close. Way too close. Elle found out she was pregnant a few months later. The only people that know are me, Adrian, Mason, Jared, Louise, and now you. I don't know if Myles knows or not, it'd probably be better if he doesn't. He definitely doesn't deserve it."

"What happened to the baby?" I bite my lip.

"She knew Myles wouldn't be a good father, he'd turn out exactly like his father. She knew abortion wasn't an option. Elle's got too big a heart for that. After talking to Louise, she decided adoption would be the right option for her. It worked for Louise, and Elodie is just darling."

"So she had the baby?"

"No. More happened. Elle met Adrian. He's a really good guy. They fell in love, and he was the type of guy that would drop anything for her. He would've, if she would've let him. She told him about the pregnancy, and how it wasn't his. He stayed. He said he would be there to support her, even marry her if she wanted."

"But I thought she was giving up the baby for adoption?"

"She changed her mind. After Adrian talked to her, she decided to keep it. She wanted to raise the baby with him, and start a family. She knew it was stupid, enough people told her that. But she wanted to, and so I supported her. A few weeks later, she was complaining of stomach pains. Adrian drove her to the emergency room and a few hours later, he called me and told me she'd miscarriaged."

My hand goes to my lips, "I'm so sorry."

"It's a pretty sensitive topic around her. Everything's just crazy right now. With you finally being back, with Myles' trial, and everything else going on, it's just stressful, and fucking crazy. Sometimes I just want to escape my own head. Do you ever feel that way too?" He questions.

I nod, "All the time. Everything is just so chaotic. It's weird to think that the end of our senior year should be pretty peaceful, and happy. We're graduating. That's something to be excited about, right?"

"Yeah. It should be. But you came here, and made friends with the wrong group, and now you're dragged into all this mess too."

I chuckle, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Parker grins, "Want to take a little break from all this Elle drama and hangout with Jared and I Friday night? I promise we're just as good, if not better, at girl talk than Elle." He runs his hand through his hair, a cute smirk settling upon his lips.

"I'm down for that." I smile.

"Great. Be ready by seven."

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i've been making covers for a few years now and i thought i'd open it so i can make covers for all of you!

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have a great day everyone!

question of the chapter: What's up with Elodie not making an appearance lately? thoughts?

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