PARKER - 100k reads special update

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{texting thread - late night - Lexa POV}

Parker: Lex, you up?

Lexa: What do you want, Parker?

Parker is typing. . .

Parker: I miss you

Parker: can we talk?

Lexa: ..I guess

Parker: thank you

Parker: I really appreciate it you know

Lexa: I really appreciated you, you know

Parker: just stop already

Parker: you don't need to torture me when ive already tortured myself enough

Lexa: Park, you literally lied to me

Parker: I'm sorry

Lexa: why did you do it?

Parker: I was jealous, I guess

Lexa: of what?

Parker: every girl I get meets him, and then she leaves. I didn't want you to follow the pattern and that's why I made it up. I told you that shit on the docks about you kissing me instead of him, the night you went to a club with my sister, and I regret it.

Parker: maybe if I would've just told the truth I could've had a chance with you

Lexa: you did have a chance. think back to three weeks ago when you started ignoring me.

Parker: oh yeah, that shocked me a lot. Instead of going for Mason you went for Jared! you're the first to choose that route.

Lexa: I liked you, Park

Lexa: he was head over heels for Elle, and he's my best friend. I couldn't let him sit there and get humiliated. I don't see him that way.

Parker: think you should've maybe told me about that?

Lexa: think you should've given me a chance to tell you?

Parker is typing. . .
Parker has disconnected.

I rub my temples with my fingers, massaging the smooth skin near my scalp.

That boy.

He gives me a headache. I guess all guy's do in some way, the only difference being where the ache happens to occur. It could be a headache, or a heartache, or a complete different ache altogether.

I shut off my lamp and curl up deeper in my bed, waiting for sleep to overcome me.

Hours later, I roll over, restless, my mind still wondering, my thoughts still nomadic.

Thoughts of him soar across my mind, and I'm unable to restrain them. A tear slides down my cheek, involuntarily. What has become of me? I think to myself.

{4:19 am - texting thread - Parker POV}

Lexa is typing. . .

Lexa: Park

Lexa: can we please talk

Parker: i'm right here babe

Lexa: don't say that please

Lexa: It feels funny

Parker: first, that's what she said

Parker: second, you'll always be that to me

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