(8) Damn Threats and Getaway Ends

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Most people would realize that after shopping with Elle Jansen on one occasion, that it is not a pleasant experience, and is a memory that is not one to be looked forward to again.

At least that's any sane persons opinion.

Yet, here I am. Being forced into stylish (not comfortable) clothes again, being dragged around the mall again, and for what? Oh my.

"The guys will love it." Elle gushes, holding a floral top up to my face.

"Okay, first off, do you not realize what happened the first time we went shopping, and second, why do I want to date the guys?"

Elle laughs, "To answer your first question, half the girls at our school already think you slept with Mase, so why not go through with it?"

I slap her arm lightly, "Gross! If you want to sleep with fracking Boxer Boy, go for it, he's all yours. I'm actually surprised he hasn't teased me about that." I chuckle.

Elle smirks.

I raise an eyebrow, "Funny, you're not denying Mason."

"What if I said I've already had him?"

My eyes widen. Dang.

"I'm kidding!" She laughs, "I mean, when we were younger we were close and I thought I loved him like one of those cliche books where the boy and the girl are best friends and fall in love, but that's just not true. I made out with him a few times, but that's the most of it."

"Wow, I figured he wasn't the dating type." I chuckle.

"He isn't. Mainly because he intimidates most of the girls with his jawline, but after getting to know him, he's more than just his face."

"Agreed. He also has his ego."

She rolls her eyes, "He's actually nice."

"Nice? If he's nice, what am I?"

"A hoe?" Elle questions, a teasing grin on her face.

"No." I scoff jokingly.

She gestures towards my hands that've been sorting through the clearance rack half heartedly for the past five minutes. And they're currently resting on a lingerie set. Oh my.

Elle laughs and I take my hands off the hanger, put it back, and keep sorting through the clothes with a light grin on my face.

"You should buy that."

I turn and flip my hair over my shoulder, "Why the frack do I need to buy a stupid lacy looking thing?" I chuckle.

"It's only $19.99! You have to try it on at least."

I glare at her.

She smiles innocently.

Aren't mall trips simply the best?


Six hours later, we're leaving the horrid place, our clothes smelling like a strange combination of overpriced juice and feet.

I rub my arms, that are currently in a loss of circulation due to the eight bags on them.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for starting a shopping hate page on Instagram, I'd co own it 50/50 if you would like, but when someone gives me money and says buy yourself stuff, I mean, what would you do?

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