(12) Meet Me at the Elevator

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I've been through three homecomings in my life, so I'd say I've had my fair share of the memories, both good and bad, that come with it.

Freshmen year was a joy. Back in California, my best friend had actually just left me. We had planned to go as a group until she dropped me a few days before homecoming week and moved on quick with only three small words consisting of 'you do you.'

I made new and better friends pretty quickly after that, however I was pretty much on my own for my first dance.

I got ready with my mom, in my long, glittery, purple dress. It had one slit up the side, and I felt so proud and confident in myself. My mom did my makeup, styled my hair, and boosted my confidence, before dropping me off at the doors of my high school. I remember how nervous I was, walking into the shiny ballroom of a high school gym, to see the happy couples and groups of friends walking around, talking, dancing. It looked so surreal.

The night was pretty fake, I tried smiling, and occasionally joined in the muted chatter and facaded conversations of small friend groups, but it wasn't real fun.

It was as fake as the friends who'd dropped me.

At the time, the night had been mostly total shit. But then a few minutes later, he happened. He being my first ever boyfriend. He being my ex best friends homecoming date who then left her once he saw what she did to me.

She was beyond royally pissed.

It then escalated fairly quickly, my 'friends' turned into mortal enemies, and he turned into my first boyfriend.

The second homecoming went much better. I was still with the same guy, and I had a new and better group of friends. And as the third followed, things were pretty much the same.

I'd expected the fourth to be a similar, familiar like experience.

Unfortunately, the up and move across the entire continental U.S. kind of threw a wrench in that plan.

But I keep my hopes high for this year. It will definitely be one to remember.


The most basic thing about homecoming, after the dates, is of course, the dress.

I've come to learn this, after wearing the Great Glittering Grape Gown freshmen year. Thankfully, my fashion mindset has drastically improved since then.

Not that Elle would let me wear anything as traumatic as the G4 again. Yes, I've shared this story with the squad. Can you guess who made up the whole G4 thing and continuously won't shut his piehole of a mouth about it?

Yep. If you had one speck of intelligence in your brain, you've guessed Mason, and yes, you are very correct in that matter. Want a golden medal or something? Figures.

Ever since Elle heard about the G4, she's insisting this year better be perfect.

"Guys, now that we have Lexa here, homecoming is literally going to be perfect. A storybook, little, perfect homecoming." Elle beams at us.

Mason shrugs, "I mean, if I'm involved than obviously there won't be anything little about it, but I guess perfect seems alright."

Jared laughs. Elle stares daggers into his eyes.

Parker looks across the circle and side smiles at me. I smile back and look down towards the circle.

Elle planned this whole meeting thing supposably to plan our 'perfect homecoming.'

I think the only thing that's happened so far is a see who can piss off and get the most glares from Elle competition. By the looks of it, Mason's winning.

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