(3) Eyes Bluer Than the Ocean and Brighter than my Future

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"Now what I want to know is why it takes an hour and a half to use the bathroom?" I raise an eyebrow.

Currently, I'm sitting I'm sitting cross legged on Elle's bed, hanging out for the second last day of summer. I'm glad to know at least someone, so my first day of school on Monday won't be as chaotic.

"I was busy." She responds simply, shooting me the I have a secret look.

"Busy with what?" I chuckle, throwing popcorn at her.

"Something." She smiles back, "Besides, you did fine, didn't you?"

"No! I told you the story." I laugh and lean into one of the pillows on her bed.

"So was he really that hot?" She raises an eyebrow, "Dang, wish I would've been there."

"I swear if I would've touched him, my hand would've burned up." I laugh.

"Anyways, are you excited or nervous for school?" Elle questions.

"Jittery, I guess. You're basically the only one I know-"

"You know me chica." Parker casually strolls into the room and dives onto the bed.

"Alright make that two people." I shrug, "Two isn't that big of a number."

"What are you guys even doing anyways?" Parker questions, looking back and forth between the two of us.

"Talking shit about people, you in?" Elle raises an eyebrow.

"I'm down for that." He moves his feet and joins our circle, "Hey Lex, I have a nickname for you."

I raise an eyebrow, "And what would that be?"

"From now on." He begins, "You are my Sexy Lexy." A cocky smirk appears on his tanned face. Clearly, amusement based off of slowly dropped shattered pieces of my self esteem really makes him happy. Glad at least one of us find this funny. Actually make that two. Elle is currently laughing her head off right along side of her twin.

"Not in public I'm not." I chuckle.

He carelessly throws an arm around my shoulder and pulls me to him in a tight bone crushing side hug, "E, wouldn't we be the cutest couple?" He beams at her.

"Adorable," she responds, "Makes me want to puke rainbows. Besides, I thought you're taken? Bromance with Mason?" She chuckles.

He gasps and pushes me away from him teasingly, "Oh no, forgot about my main hoe! Sorry babe, guess you're single again." He pauses, "Unless you want to be my side hoe.?" With that, he wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

I chuck a pillow at his head, "You can go back to your bromance, I'm good."

"Seriously though, who can we set her up with?" Elle thinks out loud, "Parker, any ideas?" She drums her fingertips on the corner of the bed, deep in thought.

I roll my eyes.

First off, contrary to many other girls my age, I'm not one that feels completely and utterly lost if I'm single. I mean, seriously? You may be for the whole "two parts of a whole" thing, but I'm my own person, so why should I feel lost or different because I don't have someone posting pictures of me as a woman crush Wednesday every week. And why should I?

Society has lead us to believe that girls should dress to impress, and boys shouldn't show weakness or sensitivity. Society says to be yourself, but not like that. It wants us to have "taken" with a kiss emoji in our instagram bios.  Society has declared blue as the color for little baby boys and pink the color for little baby boys. In the end, society is to blame for the pointless deaths by kids who don't feel they fit in, and society is the villain. The only more villainous than society is us ourselves.

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